ArboristSite Guru
Try not to read this wrong but: What is a real job? You define a real job to me, please.
Anyone with common sense can figure this out on there own. I guess thats why you need to ask.
Try not to read this wrong but: What is a real job? You define a real job to me, please.
Anyone with common sense can figure this out on there own. I guess thats why you need to ask.
See? I asked you a question, you read to much into it and went all defensive. Seriously, can you answer the question? Here is my answer.
Ahh forget it, but in all honesty your defintion is most likely different than mine.
if you are going to try to insult me by saying I have no common sense at least have the decency to add some flair you bland, overassuming, can't answer the question but so quick to judge pile.
I am sorry, the question was real, Want to let us know what you think a real job is. Just to let you know my answer to that question is right in the second paragraph.
Dont see where I'm bragging dan, just stating facts there pal, its just buisiness, thats all. As far as the vicous-ness is concerned, I'll be ready, lol.
I did not think the real job terminology was that difficult to understand. In short I was refering to people that have the ability to work but are to lazy so they live off the system. Anyone that gets up and goes to work day in and day out has a real job (WITH IN REASON). Why are you so concerned? Are you a drain on society? Sorry for my lack of flair as you would say but I am new to on-line bickering so cut me some slack:greenchainsaw::monkey: :angry2:
Its not hard to understand at all from my perspective, I was asking for yours which still has yet to be delivered. For being new to on-line bickering you are doing great.
Do I really seem that concerned? More concerned about your misreading and asumptions really.
I work everyday but I don't think I have a real job. I get paid and all but still the description of my job is " look out for me and my own". It might not pay all that great all the time but the benifits are astounding. I also do charity work.
Are you a owner operator? If so what kind of equipment do you own? Do you carry tree insurance? workers comp? tax ID#, ETC..?? You have me curious with not thinking you have a real job. Makes me think you are the guy who drives around with a pick-up and a saw and under bids all the other legitimet tree company's in the area. I may be totally off base but Owning a legitimet tree service I deffinetly feel like its a real job.
Hey ole dirtbag( thats olddirty to you) I have been looking for a picture of myself to post for you, I want to find one that says it all. All you have to do is tell me how to post it cause I don't know how.
If that makes you think that you are really one fruity sob. 215 233 7807 call and get Jack to send you a cert. Tell him Dan sent you. I am sure that owning what you own makes you feel a lot of things but mainly its holier than thou. Its always a guy underbidding you. I get underbid by much larger guys all the time. Guys with matching hardhats and shiny trucks. Seems they got guys to work real cheap or something. Maybe they told them" This is a real, good job" and they believed it. This ain't no real job, its much more than that. Probably worse than a real job so that is why its hard to find smart people, they say" F this crazy ####, I need to get a real job." tell me I am wrong and I will do my best not to insult you.
Thanks for talking with me, I know its tough, but these are some of the things that do concern me. very sincerly Dan.
Ha!! ha!!, nice explanation buddy. For your information I own what I own from years of hard work and good buisness ethics. We are a small company but take pride in our work and equipment so if having nice equipment is a bad thing I am guilty. Our equipment is not the latest and greatest but it is well maintained and everything is kept current. As far as employees I make my best effort at paying them an above average wage when they are woth it. You critisize everyone else but what have you done thats so great?? You piss and moan about legit buisness's because of your own short comings IMO... If it is such a dumb A$$ profession maybe you should explore other options. "Oh", landscapers insurance don't count.:greenchainsaw:
its oldirty....although ole dirtbag rolls off the tongue well. full name would be the oldirty buzzard. now that we got names straight onto the pic posting.
go to the paper clip (right above the box you write in when messaging) and choose your file. after that? not too sure.
well thanks you were a big help. Not. If you are not going to use the name olddirtbag maybe I will, it does sound nice doesn't it.
my what a big sig line you have. lol
we'd have matching initials if you went with the olddirtbag. how about seagull? hahahaaaa!
Tmandan is legit? you ever cut any trees down at VFMA?
what have I done so great? I don't know, maybe nothing. I can ride a bicylce up the Phila Art museum stairs. How is that?
I don't critisize that much and its a two way street anyway. who is pissing and moaning? There you go misreading again. Who said this was a dumb ass profession? Not me.
I filled out my sig to answer your question. Yeah tree insurance, did you call Jack? I don't have any employees but Jamie does some work with me( notice I said with) and he has his stuff in order to.
cold stream?
thought it was eagle way or something. 1001 was the address.
but yes. dont forget the JC part.
you been there?
Oh you brag and you know something? That's ok. I am sure you will be ready, no joke, no sarcasm, no ####. Answer this please, why did you start your business? And how much experiance did you have when you did.
I started my buisiness because it made sense to me, and I wanted more money/to be my own boss, I worked for a few different people before starting my own thing, 4 actually, but I had been around and doing treework summers with an older brother sinse 15. But all totaled up it was at least 5 years just legit jobs-not counting my bro-wich is where I learned all the stupid #### I teach the new guys endlessly. My dad was a mechanic/body shop/master of most trades, licence plumber, heating and electritian, but he had a shop for me to work on the truck and chipper starting point, and I was allready doing most of the boss things, other than bidding, but I had allways heard all the prices. Hope that answers yer question there dan. Oh, and also I loved treework but was not too into working for these people anymore and I felt like they were ruining it for me-that was a big one.