5.1 HP according to Honda Engines - GCV190 4-Stroke Engine
Touche'!!! I was going from a foggy memory...
An 11 gpm pump would be about all that one would want...
5.1 HP according to Honda Engines - GCV190 4-Stroke Engine
who dat?
I was a Waterford Mott Corsair 1985...
who dat?
I was a Waterford Mott Corsair 1985...
Well - I'm a proud new owner of a Husky 28 Ton splitter. Picked it up from TSC Saturday. Had one issue after getting it home and running a few logs thru it - it was leaking hydraulic fluid from the hose that runs from the pump to the valve. It was at the hose so it wasn't just a matter of tightening something up. Took it back to TSC and we replaced the hose. Worked great after that. Hopefully just a fluke. The one nice thing about TSC is that (at least in my experience) - they treat their customers well. They told me I could turn it in for another splitter if I wanted to right then or if I had any other issues at all. This thing really has some power - put everything I had from my pile that was too tough to split by hand and it cracked them like it was nothing. My one big regret - why didn't I get one of these SOONER!! Anyway - thanks for all the replies and advice on this thread - much appreciated. I'll post back after I run 10-15 cords thru it.
The rules are "Pics or it didn't happen" But your from Mi. so you wouldn't lie!
The rules are "Pics or it didn't happen" But your from Mi. so you wouldn't lie!
Byron 1989