Stihl Wrenching
Order part #1122-140-0800
It will be a lot louder........a lot!!!!!
added to wearing muffs,,,,, really increases the DB noise reduction vs just pugs or just muffs,,,, I just said it wrong,,,,,, again???????? Huh????
What? What? I can't hear you :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
My dual port wich maybe a walkers is rather quiet behind it until it echos off the wood. Muffs a must ears will ring with just plugs.
Stick it on now, but adjust your carb..... which means removing and replacing the limiter caps..
Do I need to make it more rich or lean it our a little now? and the tool I have for removing my limiter caps will ruin them, but I can get them off.
Do I need to make it more rich or lean it our a little now? and the tool I have for removing my limiter caps will ruin them, but I can get them off.
Oh, and I love this saw!
The tool I have for removing the limiter caps looks like a sheetmetal screw on the end of a 1/16" t handle. It screws into the limiter cap and then you wiggle it around a little while pulling and presto, you have one removed limiter cap. THe problem is that it seems to enlarge the hole in the middle of the cap, which looks like it would be enough for someone to tell that it has been messed with.
What does the right tool look like, or do I have the right tool. I got this from a RedMax dealer. He told me that this is the tool that Redmax gave him for workinh on the saws.