New ms880 with 404 pitch 36" bar and chain

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I’m milling with my 881. I’m pretty sure it has the same chain as yours, I love it. I took the dogs off mine, they grab constantly and get in the way.
What brand of mill is that? I've been wanting to upgrade to one a little more stout and that I can s
Use the granberg attachments on but I don't want to pay for the granberg mill itself. I like yours though, does it sit flat on all 4 corners?
What brand of mill is that? I've been wanting to upgrade to one a little more stout and that I can s
Use the granberg attachments on but I don't want to pay for the granberg mill itself. I like yours though, does it sit flat on all 4 corners?
The brand is Zozen, it was a pretty cheap one I got off Amazon. I think I paid $100 for it. Very good for the $$, it’s got three levels of expansion up to 36”. Comes with everything you need to mill, wedges,etc. Kind of annoying that it’s metric, makes finding replacement nuts and bolts more difficult than it should be. I’ve broken/sawed through several bolts and brackets and lost nuts. I keep a bag of extra parts with me.
I've been wanting to upgrade to one a little more stout

Granted, you get off a lot cheaper than a new Granberg even with having to replace the hardware on a lot of the cheap mills, but something to be said for not screwing up slabs and wasting time replacing hardware when something breaks. I have a 36" and 60" set of Granberg mill rails, and I wanted two permanent setups instead of switching them back and forth on the same mill. I looked at all the cheap mills and the hardware issues, almost pulled the trigger once or twice, and waited til I found a 24" used Granberg on Ebay for $100 that I took the 24" rails off and put the 60" rails on and left the 20 year old Granberg I have on the 36" rails. Never once a broken or stripped bolt or hardware issue in all the time I've milled w Granbergs. All depends on what peace of mind is worth to you - if you're not in a hurry I'd keep an eye out for a used Granberg.
Granted, you get off a lot cheaper than a new Granberg even with having to replace the hardware on a lot of the cheap mills, but something to be said for not screwing up slabs and wasting time replacing hardware when something breaks. I have a 36" and 60" set of Granberg mill rails, and I wanted two permanent setups instead of switching them back and forth on the same mill. I looked at all the cheap mills and the hardware issues, almost pulled the trigger once or twice, and waited til I found a 24" used Granberg on Ebay for $100 that I took the 24" rails off and put the 60" rails on and left the 20 year old Granberg I have on the 36" rails. Never once a broken or stripped bolt or hardware issue in all the time I've milled w Granbergs. All depends on what peace of mind is worth to you - if you're not in a hurry I'd keep an eye out for a used Granberg.
I like the idea of being a small one and then upgrading the rail lengths. I've currently got a 60" granberg i haven't used yet and a temporary cheap 36" and I haven't broke anything and it cuts good enough but one part of the bar doesn't sit flush so I want to fix that. My monster mill came with some spare support bars just trying to find a cheaper way to get the one I want. Another thing I really like from granberg is the quick release on the depth. My big one has that and I'm excited to try it. I'll definately keep my eyes out for an old one I can modify though, I bet that's the way to go