Just to give the example of whats the trick, if you take a 2x4 8 feet long stood on end straight up, the top is 96 inches off the floor. if you lean it to one side the top gets lower to the floor the more you tilt it. So if you wanted a 2x4 at a 8 degee angle from straight up to have its to exactly 96 inches above the floor it would have to be longer than 96 inches.
So the first step is to find out how long the metal of the cone needs to be. The cone its self in the example needs to be 100mm long if measured straight down the middle, but because the sides are tilted at the cone angle the metal must be cut longer to make up for this.
Once you got that number you can move on.
to explain the radius of the curve, take a triangle piece of paper and roll it into a cone. You will note that the cone is not even along the base, this is because the length of the sides of the cone are not even. Now take a circle shaped piece of paper, cut a large chunk of pie out of it and roll the paper into a cone, this cone has an even base all the way around because the distance from the point of the cone to the base is the same at any point around the cone.
The idea behind the calculation is to take a cone section and make a projection of where the cone would come to a point if it were to be extended. from tis point a radii can be drawn to give a equal distant curve, so that when the metal is rolled into a cone the base is even all the way around and the cone section will butt evenly and tightly against the next section.