Wood's Tougher Than Woodpecker Lips...
At my own expense to show how much of an idiot I was I'll tell my saga.
I initially was using spray grease on the rack and got it on the cam follower and it gumed it all up, stuck and developed a flat spot. Paul fixed me up with a new 3/4" one and since I have been using the wd40 or PB blaster and heating up in the winter no issues
$30.00 some dollar screw up!
I see Guswhit / Sandhill Crane...the 3/4" bearing is the newest bearing change. I always thought the 3/4" was standard on the machines and possibly had upgraded to a 1" bearing. I never knew previous/older models up to a certain point used a 5/8" bearing. I guess I got 1" bearing stuck in my head because of the Split Second reply earlier stating they used that OD.