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What is with this 'inch' crap!? I do man hour's. BTW, you are the oldest troll ever.

Troll!?! Hey now, just because I'm from under the bridge doesn't mean... oh wait, wrong troll :laugh: I'm back into it full time. Took some time doing trees part time so I could go back to school. I finshed up, the industry went in the tank, now I'm back to doing what I like full time :) Good to see you too Jeff.

No tree, are you bidding full tree removals at 7.50/inch?
figure out how long you think it will take you , x 100.00

ask customers did they receive other bids, and how much ... ( you ll get an idea of what your market is )

you ll do a couple of volunteer ( underbid jobs ) you ll learn real fast....

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