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Answer: how many do i need? one. I'm just improving the bolt materials, switched to a 50kn breaking strength stainless steel eyebolt and nut. I'm making more because people have asked for them, notably a police dive tech who wants one for body/gear recovery.

Picking stuff up?

its easy, you lower it down and pick stuff up, takes seconds, and its incredibly effective after a few minutes practice. My gloves have loops on the back, as does my Nalgene water bottle, as does my snackbag, as does my ropebag. I can pick a biner up off the ground easily. Would i trust it to bring up a chainsaw? yes, not what i made it for but why not. The Talon itself has a very high breaking strength, somewhere in the neighbourhood of 18KN. The rope i'm using (now switched to a 8mm static line) has a 2500lb breaking strength rating. The NEW eyebolt (now switched to the one above) is use for lifeline anchors on highrises. Not an issue. (i also dont have ground help, i climb solo). One use i found for it was retrieving fallen branches stuck on other branches down below).

I use it to reach out and grab a rope or a branch or to pick up my toolpouch from the ground, because it works incredibly well, and does'nt fray or endanger my rope like reaching out with a polesaw does (something i dont carry anyways, because i DON'T use one). Its less cumbersome than a big long polesaw, and fits into a small accessory pouch off the belt. Weight alone is 3oz, with the medium Mallione and rope about 8oz.

pay the rent....? TM it cost me $14 bucks CDN. the rent has been paid me thinks. ;)

JAK, me thinks you got the wrong pics in the last post, all I see are root balls????

are you really going to stand by the diving "body ,gear recovery claim" ???

hey chief,, do you want us to drag the river with the 4 foot hook?? or do you want us to use the 6 inch one ??? ROTFLMOA