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Jan 2, 2009
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still learning how to run it
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066 landing pad
Oh ####..... You didn't scratch it did you! That looked like it took a pretty hard hit there. I would hate to see something so nice get marred up.

The saw that is!:cheers:
its lifting off from a 066 it cant be off topic.

the 066 is on the bench because i cut out some metal and kinda scratched together some alaskan mill plans in my head today.
going to scrafice the 32" bar that came on it make it permenant alaskan mill bar
if i could control the thing. the props are getn pretty banged up and its not flyin very good now.

last night i pegged the throttle and crashlanded it on the neigbors roof and watched roll of then i jumped the fence and grabbed it
yeah there all replacable. the chopter is rebuildable.

im going to up grade to the big daddy one that rolls ounce i get this figured out. last night i could hover around the living room. now i cant seem to get it stabalized .

try drivn a 9 speed kenworth on vicodine and muscle relaxers. i had to have the wife come take me home
I had a GF that used to feed me thoes things all the time.

There is no telling how much money I lost during that time. that stuff completely kills your memory when your on them. YUK!!
dang it i wonderd why she did that.

yeah i see this thread dissapearing at about 3 am my time
yeah there all replacable. the chopter is rebuildable.

im going to up grade to the big daddy one that rolls ounce i get this figured out. last night i could hover around the living room. now i cant seem to get it stabalized .

just kidding ,looks like good fun:cheers:
Great thread Evan, love the comic relief and off the wall stuff you come up with. I've been messin' around with my sons little Air Hog Heli since Christmas, ridiculously cheap fun and I'm actually getting good at chasing the dog arond the kitchen with it. Cheers! :cheers:

woodshed, Banacanin

thanks guys. im actualy surprised this thread isnt moved, i guess the 066 and talk of the alaskan mill kept it alive.

yeah the little rtf helecopters are realy fun and have quite abit of control untill the blades get all banged up. i might go get a new set of blades today and offcourse ill be eyeing the bigger 4 channel helicopters