New wood splitter, D.O.A.: Typical reseller/manufacture response?

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I'm not the one accusing it of being so. And I didn't say I knew it wasn't. How do you know it is?
I'm not the one accusing it of being so. And I didn't say I knew it wasn't. How do you know it is?
If you think that is a new cylinder, I have some swamp land in Arizona for sale. That thing is more scared up than my old cylinder on my splitter. Generally the paint on those new cylinders is pretty heavy duty. I doubt all that rubbed off in the mail. although I will admit that is some pretty crappy packaging. which tells me it's probably Chinese.
Judging by the clevis on the body of the cylinder, it does not appear all scratched up where the pin would be inserted. Plus the rod hole does not look scratched or distorted. To me, it looks all like poor packaging and maybe some cosmoline-like rust coating that's all smudged. The Clevis does appear to be a little thin. I've seen a clevis of similar thickness distorted due to pressure.
Referring back to my original post, and it seems pretty simple: This was a new product I purchased. But a new product in working order was never received. It didn't break while I was using it, it never worked properly, ever. This is not a 'warranty' issue, rather, it's a 'dead on arrival' issue. DOA. Never worked. In any case- I decided to go with a replacement NEW cylinder they offered, but it seems again, they did not send something new. It's obviously used. Yeah this company seems DIRTY alright. LOL. Will afford them one last chance to make it right, what should've been right to begin with. But turning into a horrible runaround. Here I am into heating season buying split wood again.
Errr... spoke too soon. I've been out of town and just returned a few days ago, was looking forward to installing this replacement Hydraulic Cylinder and getting to splitting some wood. While I was gone, the replacement hydraulic cylinder arrived. Attached is picture, as I 'unboxed'/it basically fell out of the box, appears to be a beat up, used cylinder. Scratched up, smudged with grease marks around the labels, junk around the connections, obvious wear. Is this to be expected, too, with products of this sort? Maybe I'm jumping the gun, nearly 7 weeks after ordering this lemon, but seems to me this is a bum deal, maybe more than just horrible reviews and blog post for this company is in order... our local small claims court loves these cases... View attachment 685235

I think you fared well. I had a piece of equipment delivered by a freight ccarrier. The company couldn't tell me what time to expect it on the given day even though they knew (I did not know) it was loaded in the nose of the trailer which indicates a late delivery. So, I took the day off for it to arrive at 415 and completely smashed. There was no way that crate and equipment got smashed in the nose of the trailer. I lost a day only to refuse the shipment.
You should really have had this years wood all processed and drying a year ago. Anything you are splitting this time of year or even a couple few months ago, I would not be wanting to burn this winter.

I still am not seeing signs of it being obviously used, from that picture. Don't see any wear at all on the rod end. Not the best of pictures though, can't see the other end.
Looks like the exact same way my new cylinder showed up from DHT. Yes it was pretty bad packaging but the cylinder wasn’t used. Mine was also scuffed up. Put her on in around 30 minutes and never looked back.

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Looks like paint on the plastic fillers for the hoses so I also think it's likely new hard to tell from one picture. Like others have said, git r dun. Stihl sawing, most stuff has components made in China and again at this price point that is what you are going to get. I buy and sell Chinese crap all the time, sometimes you do get what you pay for. I usually build the stuff I plan to keep.
You want quality and problem free then buy an Eastonmade splitter.
This is the way hyd cyl are usually shipped in bulk, wood splitter cylinder.jpg
The ones in the picture are about $5grand each. Notice they are stored on the ground outside in the weather. Now take those same cyl off the pallet and place in a assembly rack, then remove from rack and place in a cardboard box, throw on a truck and ship across the country. These things are heavy and hard to handle, You should expect to see some scuffing from all the handleing. Time to quit bitching and get to work. Mount your cyl and get to splitting wood. I have bought new cyl's at stores off the rack that had more scuffing than your cyl shows.
This is the way hyd cyl are usually shipped in bulk, View attachment 685384
The ones in the picture are about $5grand each. Notice they are stored on the ground outside in the weather. Now take those same cyl off the pallet and place in a assembly rack, then remove from rack and place in a cardboard box, throw on a truck and ship across the country. These things are heavy and hard to handle, You should expect to see some scuffing from all the handleing. Time to quit bitching and get to work. Mount your cyl and get to splitting wood. I have bought new cyl's at stores off the rack that had more scuffing than your cyl shows.


All Day Long & twice on the weekend.

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Errr... spoke too soon. I've been out of town and just returned a few days ago, was looking forward to installing this replacement Hydraulic Cylinder and getting to splitting some wood. While I was gone, the replacement hydraulic cylinder arrived. Attached is picture, as I 'unboxed'/it basically fell out of the box, appears to be a beat up, used cylinder. Scratched up, smudged with grease marks around the labels, junk around the connections, obvious wear. Is this to be expected, too, with products of this sort? Maybe I'm jumping the gun, nearly 7 weeks after ordering this lemon, but seems to me this is a bum deal, maybe more than just horrible reviews and blog post for this company is in order... our local small claims court loves these cases... View attachment 685235

Just now noticed the small claims mention. Have to say, I feel a bit sorry for those who found themselves with you as a customer.
Just now noticed the small claims mention. Have to say, I feel a bit sorry for those who found themselves with you as a customer.

Well there's a useful comment... LOL ..why, you sell non-working DOA equipment, too? Yeah, manufacturers who do that hate their customers... especially ones that expect a working product to be delivered. Seems half the folks here assume they'll have to pull out a welder to get something they just bought working... well good for them... I don't. When something is purchased new, it should arrive in new, working order. Period. This is about integrity and responsibility, and it seems we all have different standards, huh?
Well there's a useful comment... LOL ..why, you sell non-working DOA equipment, too? Yeah, manufacturers who do that hate their customers... especially ones that expect a working product to be delivered. Seems half the folks here assume they'll have to pull out a welder to get something they just bought working... well good for them... I don't. When something is purchased new, it should arrive in new, working order. Period. This is about integrity and responsibility, and it seems we all have different standards, huh?

Please go Put your new replacement cylinder on your new wood splitter & go split wood.

Please report back with any issues.

We like Pictures.

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Well there's a useful comment... LOL ..why, you sell non-working DOA equipment, too? Yeah, manufacturers who do that hate their customers... especially ones that expect a working product to be delivered. Seems half the folks here assume they'll have to pull out a welder to get something they just bought working... well good for them... I don't. When something is purchased new, it should arrive in new, working order. Period. This is about integrity and responsibility, and it seems we all have different standards, huh?
I also want mine to look new with no operational problems. However, as I get older I have relaxed my standards on appearances. Anyway, I think the fact that the high pressure weld was misting is a serious quality control flaw. In your pursuit for off-grid living my hope is that you find useful equipment others think is useless due to the appearances or the current need for repair.