Shannon tower
Tree FNG
Exactly my plan, i can descend from the top if i go srt. I have used a biener as a self rappel device when rock climbing. Rigging with one arm might be next two impossible, but not too many choices in that situation. If there is one thing i learned from my years of whitewater kayaking, it is that there is no one better too rely on than yourself, and never, never count on anyone else to be there to rescue you, self rescue, or even better, not needing to be rescued, is always the best course to follow. Methodical planning, proper execution. Plan the work, work the plan, prepare for all contingencies.Choke the climbing line around the tree where ever you are and ride a figure eight down. You can sort of make an 8 out of some beiners
On a on topic note, i believe i will order a line mug, a throwbag, and a tree climbers companion. A throw bag on a light line should work to get my lanyard moved up the tree. Will fix a clip onto the line so once i throw it around i can remove the bag, clip on my lanyard, and pull it on around. The book will hopefully shed some light on all these trade secrets i could harm myself with if i was made aware of them. Should be fun. Thanks to all for your time. Be safe.