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Hey guys, does anyone have a line on actual 5300-36141 as opposed to 545057701 filters? The white ones suck. Just went a route that u-turned (returned). So many advertise the pic of the yellow filter but send the white. 295/4620 series. Thanks in advance for any help and I hope you all have a Merry Christ-mas.
Hey guys, does anyone have a line on actual 5300-36141 as opposed to 545057701 filters? The white ones suck. Just went a route that u-turned (returned). So many advertise the pic of the yellow filter but send the white. 295/4620 series. Thanks in advance for any help and I hope you all have a Merry Christ-mas.

A bunch of these sellers show the yellow filter in their listings, including the Amazon seller. Whether or not that's what they send I don't know...
What parts are you looking for?

It's missing the bar plates, cylinder cover, air filter, and af cover. I'd have to look at it and an IPL again to be certain nothing else is missing, but I did write those in my notes so I know for sure on those parts. I would swear that I had taken pics of it, but I can't find them. I think it may still be wearing the original bar and chain. Been watching evilbay and haven't seen any of those parts come up. Tried ordering the top cover from poulan, along with a few other parts and then got the NLA phone call. :( From what I understand, the air filters for these are NLA. I can work around that I think, and maybe the missing bar plates, but not the missing covers.
[qudefinitely="Stephen C., post: 4599771, member: 46783"]wow great looking saws, a 5200 with a full wrap and a lifetime of "patina".....that is one tough saw. The 4000 is a gem. I spent 28 years of homeowner use using a Craftsman 4.2 version of your 5200 countervibe and never even managed to dull the paint. That puppy has done some work it its day.[/quote]
It definitely has, and wasn't treated all that great either. The only thing that they appeared to do right was run proper mix ratio. The top end looks really good thru the exhaust port. The missing bar adjuster, 3 missing starter screws, etc make me wonder a bit. It does have a rim on it instead of a spur which always makes me happy.
I found the AF cover, but everything else shows NLA. From what I've seen on the IPL, there were no bar plates on that saw.

I might have pulled up the wrong IPL and not caught it, or just wasn't paying attention when I looked. :oops: I have a second crankcase/cylinder/piston/crank assembly that is from the same series of saw. If I could find the parts, I would get it running.
Hey guys, does anyone have a line on actual 5300-36141 as opposed to 545057701 filters? The white ones suck. Just went a route that u-turned (returned). So many advertise the pic of the yellow filter but send the white. 295/4620 series. Thanks in advance for any help and I hope you all have a Merry Christ-mas.

I had the same question and i contacted with some sellers.They told me that the 530036141 is NLA,only the 545057701 is available.If you find any yellow ones,let me know.
That would be great, Kevin. I suspect they would be the same. Mine has to have the idle so low that it stalls, in order to keep it from spinning. It's a fantastic running saw, complete with chain brake, and I'd like to make it safe to use.
had two s25 das that did that,. I took off the clutch and cleaned the crankshaft and interior of the sprocket. I also carb cleaned the sprocket bearing and voila, success. I actually think it was the bearing. 530036141 filter

A bunch of these sellers show the yellow filter in their listings, including the Amazon seller. Whether or not that's what they send I don't know...

Yeah that's the thing, they show a pic and part number but ship the 545057701. There has to be some vendor with some of the actual 5300 36141 filters left.
Mowers4u don't have any 530036141(yellow).I ordered a couple of months ago one white and one yellow and what i got was 2 white filters.They were the first who told me that the 530036141 is NLA.