Hope ya get better Gregg,know ya cant get any rest in a hospital, they wake ya every hour to check ya and give meds, some of the nurses are hot though.
LOL, Thanks for all the comments and get wells! Love the jugs!! I haven't slept much in here, but they do leave me alaone during most of the night, which is a surprise, but other wise is like every two hours its one procedure or another.
Tim, The beer was put in the ferment-er and is about ready for the next step. But I did do some reading on it before I ended up here, and found it usually best to let it stay in the fermenter for a while after its done anyway. so thats good..LOL
Gary, I have had breakfast every morning in here! don't do that at home..LOL Pancakes & sausage, today I had french toast & bacon. Its a small town hospital, the one I was born in 62 years ago. But the place looks a lot different than it did in 1953.
I actually am starting to feel better this after noon. Don't know if its seeing all your familiar names and witty comments or what. LOL
One thing I managed to do before I left was switch the furnace over to the propane one. So my sister doesn't have to haul in wood and keep the fire going..LOL That is the first propane we have used since 2007.
Some of them bring stupid $$ . I rarely pay more than $50 for any of my 25's
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The spring is on the way. This 4200 pumps some oil for sure, just to much for the 20 i got on it now.Thinking a 28 for the stumps?the discs are to keep the recoil spring clean and spinning freely so it does not get caught on anything. The oil pump can be removed and serviced but not sure why your adjust screw is stuck, recoil springs available most any vendor.
Hope you're back in the saddle soon, Gregg. Did they take you to Findlay?
Finished it up this evening. I'm curious how the barracuda chain will cut. View attachment 478409
nice sawFinished it up this evening. I'm curious how the barracuda chain will cut. View attachment 478409
Dang Gregg, get back on my computer and I read this! Sorry for your situation but also glad to see your improving. Get better and stronger fast. need some muscles for that PP655.Well fellas, this is an odd feeling. I writing this post from my hospital room.No I didn't dam cut my leg off. LOL I picked up a bad chest cold, last week. It got worse over the weekend. Got no sleep at all Mon. & Tues. Was getting out of breath real easy. Was scary. Got to the point I could only sit in a kitchen chair. If I got up and moved at all, I was gasping for air. Decided to have my sister take me to the ER Wed. morning, but I couldn't make it in the vehicle . So to the trip in the local ambulance to the ER.
Have some Pneumonia, Bronchitis. lung support very weak, my 40+ years of smoking not helping that any. Any way, after all kinds of tests xrays , you name it, they are making some progre ss. Antibiotics , steroids, etc. Blood is in good shape, Hoping to get out of here tomorrow sometime. Never been in hospital in my life, until now! Its no fun. At least they feed ya well. I would rather be workin on an old Poulan any day.Had my sister bring my lap top last time, so I could at least look at something familiar..LOL
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