Installed this aftermarket Piston , ran the saw 1 minute, it lost compression and stoped, Here is the result.
Maker or seller of the aftermarket. Been scared to try the lil red barns afm pistons myself.
Installed this aftermarket Piston , ran the saw 1 minute, it lost compression and stoped, Here is the result.
That sucks, I was really hoping for a different outcomeInstalled this aftermarket Piston , ran the saw 1 minute, it lost compression and stoped, Here is the result.
thats scary i was looking at their s25da and the micro 2300 ones from L-R-B maybe not.....Maker or seller of the aftermarket. Been scared to try the lil red barns afm pistons myself.
Dumb question but are all the 85cc countervibes open port?
The alignment Pins are intact, wrist pin bearing and C clips also in place.
are you sure you did not have somethingMaker or seller of the aftermarket. Been scared to try the lil red barns afm pistons myself.
are you sure that there was not a foreign object in the cylinder when you put it together the 2nd time? everything else still looks intact.Maybe l am wrong or not seeing something but the measurements here are same. Notice the Bump on crown of piston top. would indicate the failure occurred on down stroke.
The cyl damage is strange , you can feel a little indent with your finger on it. and its shape is perfectly rectangular.
Is that a pin hole in the side of the piston above the top compression ring?