Have plenty of wood and a splitter that I built 45 years ago so I'm good. If you were just a little closer I'd split the cost of the ticket just to see you mate.
Have plenty of wood and a splitter that I built 45 years ago so I'm good. If you were just a little closer I'd split the cost of the ticket just to see you mate.
I've free handed, used bar mounted guides, hand held electric diamond sharpeners. Been using a bench mounted electric chain sharpener for four years now. I can keep all the cutters the same and keep the depth gauges at the optimal height also. Have dropped the depth gauge height one one chain to see how well it cut. Better have the dogs engaged into the wood with that one. It cuts like a mad man, just don't do limbing with it. It will snatch the saw out of your hand if ya don't watch it.Yea me too I've only got a couple loops now need to stock up a bit. How do you sharpen Steve? I file only no guide just husky depth gauge took ages to learn but have got pretty good now
Oh and heres how the spike turned out Todd thanks for the pattern View attachment 688449
More cutters now the top plate angles are looking a bit wonky cos the chrome peel hasn't been knocked off yet. Also starting to get a little to much hook. View attachment 688451 View attachment 688452 View attachment 688455 View attachment 688456
Heres how this chain was cutting before this filing. No it's not a poulan please dont ban me it's not German or Chinese or swedish just imagine its green and it will be ok I promise.. hehe
Yup. Top plate is a bit off. Maybe need to raise ur file a bit.
Thanks man will do
It's running strong if it can hang with the 700.
Aww good then it shows a very different approach to the way the two make there power the 700 feels as tho it's got alot more compression it will hang on its cord for a bit so quite clever really the 4000 doesn't need a decomp. I guess it's just different porting. Have found how it likes to be started now choke no throttle lock 4 or 5 pulls it pops then add the lock no choke away it goes. I've noticed something funny with it when its quiet in the shed it whimpers and sighs lol took me ages to hunt down this odd noise and found it was coming from the poulan if you move it and shake the gas a bit it kinda pressurises a tiny bit and then leaks the air out over an hour or more
Did you see the 5200 on ebay that went for 525.00. Any comments