Never to many Engines!!
My craftsman 3800 I just got done with runs really well with the farmertec chain on it.
the only problem is when noodling it does not have enough rpm to throw the noodles out fast enough.
Is yours the same way?
I have not noodles with it, but, I do not believe it would bog down now. I have no reason to noodle.
My intake ports are even now larger than when this photo was taken. I had cut them .060 deeper , removed from the bottom to give me a longer intake duration. They are much deeper now, and a wee bit wider.

This is the exhaust port of the 3800 after first cutting, stock width, The exhaust port has been widened to 63% of bore diameter since this photo. I did things in steps, three different tear downs and cut some more and then test runs. I used a degree wheel to track what I was changing. Do your own research and come to your comfort level if you start porting engines. This cut at top of port gave me a exhaust duration of 170 degrees. Without a base gasket. I am running it now with a .012 card stock gasket that I haven't measured after being compressed from cylinder bolts. Your milage may vary, have fun, make them run.