There is 10W and 20W winter oils.Another question
Have a chance to go cut wood this weekend but the temperature is going to be around 10 above zero.
What do I do with the bar oil, i think I saw that 50 50 bar oil and transmission oil. What is the good way
Might have to burn the wood I cut just to stay warm.
Old school was cut with diesel or kero.
Straight from poulan owners manual =
In freezing weather oil will thicken, making
it necessary to thin bar and chain oil with a
small amount of Diesel Fuel #1 or
Bar and chain oil must be free flowing for the oil system to pump enough oil for ad
equate lubrication.
30"F or above—Lubricant—undiluted.
SO'^-O^F—95% lubricant to 5% Diesel Fuel
#1 or Kerosene.
Below 0°F—90% lubricant to 10% Diesel
Fuel #1 or Kerosene