Un-poulan believable !!
now we sit and wait and see if Mark falls into the lazy texting typer most seem to do..
I knew it would happen !! first he got lecticity,then a TV and now a celly phone ,, i knew progress wouldnt stop with indoor plumin !! LOL !!
Gee Ron, glad to see your still able to bust my nuts!

You wont have to worry about the texting BS with me. Thats the stupidest faze I have ever seen. You want to talk to me? Just call me.

Thing is this new cell phone the wife brought me will do lots of stuff, and I learned within 15 minutes with it, that it can fly! Yep it got me so mad that I threw it from the kitchen all the way to the liveing room. I was glad it landed on the sofa after I learned how much it cost.... :censored: I can pinpoint where you live now if I can figure that out.
Just got back from the lake, got everything cleaned up from the monsoon that came through, now I'm off to the shop to dig out a crank for some bloke in OZ and to check out the 2 new saws that arrived the other day. A silver Poulan and a yellow Poulan.