Awesome score pauly. That S25 isnt seen everyday
Is a Baird Poulan model 47 worth picking up?
Yeah, that is kinda pricey. I get them for about $10 at the flea market and put new fuel lines and carb kit in them and still lucky to get much over $30 for them.
I made it to the flea markets today, managed to drag 5 saws home, 4 of which were Poulan built. Two were Craftsman and two were Daytons. No pics yet. Here's the lineup, 2z463b, 3.0 and 2.0 Craftsman and one Dayton that looks like a 25DA, didn't get the number of it yet. Oh yeah, the other was a 015L Stihl parts saw, locked up. Piston looked good and clean, maybe that's not what locked up. I'll check it out when I have some time.
Sounds like you had a good day, and nice pickup on a 2z463b/Poulan 245.
Got to working on that Dayton/Poulan 361 that Nik gave me today. The plan was to covert it over to a auto oiler from a Dayton 2Z462A parts saw. Well the pump plunger was shot on it so I'll have to find another to takle that project...
Anyone got one laying around? A 400A or 401A pump is also the same.
My Ebay 4200 arrived today, Guess I didn't get toooooo screwed this time!!! PERFECT cylinder and piston, broken starter rope and no air filter, and slightly bent full wrap (no biggy) Haven't checked anything else, Worn YES, scratched YES, cracks NO. I'll check her out and send pics. Price was steep at $58.00.
AIR FILTER?????????????????????????? anyone?????
AIR FILTER?????????????????????????? anyone?????
Took the 3400 apart again, removed oiler assembly, unscrewed the output line, popped off the inlet line in the spring and found it, cracked inlet line where it was hard to see. Trashed it along with that spring, stuck a short piece of fuel line on it, carb spray blew out the filter/weight dealie, did the same with the black box assembly, stuck it back together, few pumps, few revs, oiling fine, nice neat spray lines on the clean wood. Just came from the backyard where I cut up a buncha pine logs.
It's got *real* decent power and revs smooth. Got a 20 Oregon on it with a stihl rsc loop. Got no dawg though! Didn't come with, help a brutha out, I got like quality swappage, nice old semi bent mower blades and like...bupkis, got nuthin....oh well, add to the junk pile some more. I'll keep scrounging....
Next one on the bench should be easier.....that one runs fine, but the same thing, no oil, either manual or auto.
I may have a dawg as I typically don't use one on my 3400s. With a 20 it might be okay. Pm me Ur address and Il send one. Il see if I have the screws somewhere.
Great day you had!
Nice finds and of course I'm giddy over your find of the SD104. Not alot of info out there on the Poulan/Sachs Dolmar partnership.
The only info I can find on the 104 is in a Poulan model date control sheet and its listed under the brand Hobby, not Sachs Dolmar, but we know that the other rebadged Poulans Dolmar had were called Hobby. It shows production started in 1979. Dolmar brought out there own top handle 105 in 1980 so that SD 104 might have been a one year and done for them. Sachs Dolmars 105 while not a bad saw at all does not seem like a upgrade anywhere compared to your SD104.
You saw of course is based on the 2.3CI Poulan S25CVA but like I said yesterday it is not a exact match with most of its Poulan counter parts.
Post a picture of that muffler style that was on it and I'll see what I can scrape up for you, that saw deserves a second chance.
I myself might have another relabeled Poulan 25DA on the way also. This time in Allis Chalmers orange.
Someone have a clutch cover/ bar clamp to fit a Poulan 7700? I believe the part from a 4400-8500 will do it. I have me a really nice bow bar on the way but no way to put it on.:frown:
Roanoker, I think I can help ya out on that cover. Let me go check.
Hi Guys: 67 Mustang, Modifiedmark Chris J, Stubnail67 Joe25DA...Thanks for the interest in the Sachs Dolmar 104. Yes it was my best day EVER on going for chainsaws. Thought some of you guys were way too lucky, finally, I got my day. Mark I especially thought you would like it I don't think I saw a posted pic from you with one?. Great background info, I enjoy knowing where and when these things came about. An Allis Chalmers coming?, looking forward to some pics, good for you., thought I saw one you posted a while ago maybe it was a micro? dial up is so slow to reload all the old pages, and so many now!
This little one is even nicer shape than the Craftsman 2.3, s25da rebadge I got a month-ish ago.. Cleaner and a Poulan S25CVA rebadge. Soon I can check the power difference between the micro 2.3ci non av PP180 that I love to take on the limbs with, against these little devils.
Joe since you are also posting yours and now stubnail67 (and Others..), it got me real envious and wanted one! new I have 2! Though not green ones.
Since I started branching out into more and bigger models I find that I like using the smaller, nimbler ones for the small stuff and the more robust ones when there is a lot more wood to chew through. Much better than my original 1-saw plan with the PP180. I did cut a lot with my one and only for well over a decade and didn't know what I was missing
Now I have over 2 dozen, in various states of repair: yes this is an addictive, economical hobby, not bad for a bit over a year... Love it
Mark Here is a pic of the muffler . And some pre cleaning pics. My Craftsman (s25da) doesn't have the outer chain guide plate maybe it is a chain brake exclusive or S-D rebadge addition? I will search for s25da/cva chain brake IPL's unless some one directs me to one beforehand.
Cannot install clutch cover with the chain brake in the unlocked will not lock, can't see any missing parts or damage yet, but I think that is why this one didn't get much use
ps oh yes fuel line and filter are being changed during the cleanup. I will repost when I get her running in the wood
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