heya folks! This is my first post here, though I've taken a lot of useful information from these forums in the past. I'm a saw repairman, but I have no training or experience in the field; my boss knew this when he decided to add that to my duties at work. Go fig! Anyhow, I'm mostly doing ok, but I now have a Poulan here, an older one,
model # S25 CVA-38CC.
The carb on it is a Tilloston HU 10A 80
When it was brought it, it was filthy inside and out, all the lines were cracked and crumbling, the gas was ancient and crystalizing. howeer, astonishingly, it ran (before the lines fell apart), but only for a few seconds.
Now, I've replaced all the lines, the filter, checked the compression, rebuilt & cleaned the carb (Twice), and it still starts, runs for a few seconds (15-40), and then dies out. The carb is spraying gas out the air intake pretty bad, and the saw isntantly stalls if I open the choke at all.
I replaced the carb with a brand new unused one that we had in stock, same carb, and it worked slightly better, but I still can't get it to run. I'm wondering if I might have the H (needle) and L (idle) screws in the wrong positions? I haven't been able to find much information on them, but I tried the modern defaults for Poulan saws and it won't even fire with them there. I'm stumped. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!
Strange your CVA has a HU carb on it as that was used on older models. Not that it would be a problem, I like the HU's.
Like was said the spit back out of the carb is normal.
2 things to check. Did you put a new fuel filter on it? I have seen filters that dont look bad but wont flow fuel. Second is what size line did you use? I like the 3/32x3/16 better the the 1/8x3/16 on these as it dont kink as bad. That brings me to the part where you need to check and make sure that the line is not kinked at the bend behind the flywheel.