Mister Wizard
So as of today I have a 655bp in the mail:hmm3grin2orange:, the only problem is the previous owner has told me that the saw sat for a long time and when he put bar oil in it leaked into the fuel tank. I took a look at the IPL on the ordertree website and the gasket between the case is still available and in stock. Has anyone ever done one of these? Im expecting to have to do fuel lines and a carb kit also based on it sitting for so long, but I paid the right price for it so Im not too worried. Ill try and post some pictures up as soon as it arrives.
That gasket goes between the case halves. Doesn't seperate the oil and fuel. There's a glued-in divider between the two tanks. That gasket will come in handy if you split the case to repair the tank divider however. This is a common problem with the PP655 and the earlier saws in the family. Some guys have fixed it without splitting the cases. Others have gone whole hog and split the cases to deal with it......