Now how the hell do I start this thing?
did you not have the t belt and pump done not that long ago.? ranger next time eh.
Did anybody get any pictures of RobertE splitting all that wood in the day use area? That guy gets more use out of a maul than anybody I've seen lately.
I never heard him say a word. He just picked up that maul and swung it all day long.
I gotta tell you all what happened after I left Sunday. It's been a hell of a ride. After dumping that tree into the picnic tables -- surely somebody has a pic -- I was feeling pretty stupid, but at least I had a long drive ahead of me to put that to rest, as well as getting over busting the crank on my 064. Alas, it worked out a bit differently. About 40 miles north of Calistoga, I lost the water pump in my car. It had just gotten dark, and there was no cell reception. So, slowly, and between cycles of overheat-shut off-cool-repeat, I limped back to the last town with a motel, Middletown (Middleton?) to await business hours Monday morning. It was a dingy room, but more than satisfactory for my purposes. In the morning, I started calling around to figure out my options. Repairs would be about a grand and would take at least three days (Subaru water pumps are driven by the timing belt and require semimajor surgery to get to). Eventually I rented a Uhaul truck and trailer. That was about a grand, too, but at least I was moving. Turns out the trailer was in a different town from the truck, so I had to do some driving around. This is where the tale turns literally crappy. Remember that thing your wise old dad told you about "never trust a fart"? Well, I gambled and lost. Right there in the Uhaul rental office. I cleaned myself up as well as possible, but, of course, I'd already checked out of my motel so a shower was hours away. It was a rather unpleasant drive. Lost the screw on my glasses, too! Just got home a couple of hours ago. All's well, everything is paid for, and I'm starting to wish I had a camera crew with me the WHOLE time because this would have been a pretty decent short documentary.
Timing belt was done about 30K ago. Pump was not replaced at the time. Lesson learned. Drove the Subaru for the better mileage and the cruise control. Definitely the Ranger next time.
This is where the tale turns literally crappy.