Rigging...if anybody is bringing stuff to sell I'm looking for a couple of small snatch blocks or an open top side-set sheave. Anything that will run 1/2, 3/8, or 7/16 line will work.
Friday and Saturday are sunny, high 60s low 40s. Sounds like perfect weather for what we will be doing. Aaron are you bringing you video camera again?
No problem. Friday morning Atpchas wants us to look at some trees on his ranch. I figured you, Slowp, and I could do that. If Nathan and 2dogs are there they'd be welcome too. Between all of us we should be able to give Charlie the information he needs.
Hope that works out! See you soon, one way or the other.If I can get rolling early enough on Friday morning I'll swing by Charlie's ranch for some learning.
Hope that works out! See you soon, one way or the other.
What time are you folks meeting up at the ranch? Will I need a combo for the gate? Looking forward to seeing you again.
Check your Inbox.What time are you folks meeting up at the ranch? Will I need a combo for the gate? Looking forward to seeing you again.
ya found some old shake blocks and made some shingles jest to try it. i will bring my draw knife and some axe headsHey Kevin, did you ever put that froe to use? I have borrowed a shavehorse from the mill and we have all that nice oak that we cut up last year. Bring some ax, maul, hammer, ect, heads and let's rehandle them. Could be a fun evening project.
I have a dtape and cruising and scaling books. Do not have a clinometer or relaskop. Not sure if fingers are still calibrated properly or not.
Got pie stuff and bacon.
Looks good for me to make it this year. I'll be in Friday midday. Still trying to get HD Bill to commit, we'll see.
Looks good for me to make it this year. I'll be in Friday midday. Still trying to get HD Bill to commit, we'll see.