This is the root ball from the fallen oak pictured in Tyler's post above. It finally yielded after being attacked from 3 sides with the back hoe.
Root ball held up by back hoe. Note the front wheels are off the ground. We put 4 heavy rounds on the loader, supplemented by Eccentric and myself riding on the rounds. That put the wheels on the ground.
Rounds still left to be collected and split. Hole from root in foreground.
HEAVY load of wet oak in pickup, more rounds in the rear.
Getting ready to drop a mostly dead maple. It was gonna drop anyway, better at our convenience.
Jeremy doing some prep prior work.
Eccentric finishing face cut.
Self explanatory.
Afterwards we feasted on pulled pork sammies, chips, slaw, and pickles. Mmmmmmm.
Thanks, Tyler, for giving us the opportunity to have so much fun.