Well I did some digging tonight and found some information but not as much as I had hoped. As for the bar mount the Oregon sleeve was labeled Stihl because that is what they were sold to fit. The number 23779 is the ID number that pre-dates the more recognized and more recent system of assigning a classification of the early 1980's of E031 for bars that fit large Stihl or D033 for the large Dolmars. It looks like the basic difference between those two is the E031 has the 2 oiler holes drilled straight through whereas the D033 has one drilled through and one half-blind.
Now back to the bars at hand. The 1979 Oregon book shows the 23779 as a 29" .404 bar for the large Stihl saws. It shows it as a special order only bar. As for chains Oregon generally lists the driver counts but in this case they did not for 23779 as it was a special order.. The 25" bar with a solid nose calls for 80 drivers. The same design sprocket nose bar as you have in 33" is #23310 and calls for 99 drivers.
Now here is a bit more information the #23779 and #23310 are listed as fitting Stihl E15,050,051,07,08, 09, 09S, S10, and E30. I am a bit confused at what they mean with 09 and 09S. I assumed it was a misprint and they meant 090 but the next listing has the 090. They have a separate listing for Stihl 070 and 090. Now as I mentioned earlier the #23310 is listed as a 33" bar fitting the Stihl E15,050,051,07,08, 09, 09S, S10, and E30. . It calls for 99 drives. They then list #26041 as a 33" for the 070/090 with one extra link.
So in summary I cannot shed anymore real information than what you already know. I had hoped I could. As for driver count if someone has used the bars with 93 drivers then obviously it should be right. I am just going off what Oregon lists. The same bar in 33" takes 99DL which is 79.99 inches. A 93DL chain would be 75.144 inches so for simple sakes lets say the 33" bar takes 80 inches of chain at 93Dl the 29" bar would only take just shy of 5 inches less. That seems odd. Last night I was going to post I figured about 88DL but I wanted to check the book. Since the book does not list a driver count it is trial and error. A 88 driver chain should be 71.10 inches or 8.70 inches less than what is listed for the 33" bar. That seems more in line but if someone is using 93dl so be it.