The bore cut was demonstrated in a Husky demo at the Paul Bunyan show in Oct. As ekka said, it's great for preventing barberchairs but also great at directing the fall on any tree. I've used it on two trees since that I had planned to rope off through a snatch block and pull with my truck (16" cherry and 20" sumac). No rope needed and they went right where I wanted them - about 90 deg to the lean. Of course, you can only correct for lean up to a point. The Husky Rep recommended the 80%/10% rule. Make at least a 90 deg. open notch reaching 80% of the diameter and leave a hinge that is 10% of the diameter. I left about an inch deep strip at the back, drove in a 1" wedge on both sides of the strip, and cut the strip. The width and location of the strip would vary somewhat with the size of the tree and amount and direction of lean. Thought I had seen other posts on this.