Nut job customers

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I got a call one time from a lady who said she was convinced the trees beside her apartment were haunted, and wanted us to come out and see about cutting them down. Yeah, like I'm gonna waste my time on that one.

I also have a regular client who is a bit 'odd'. They have a small area in the wooded part of the yard that they dont want disturbed. They told me to 'think of it as something like an indian power circle'
Makes you wonder...
You want nut jobs.....ever tried to take a tree down on a lot line when the neighbor's both say the tree is theirs? We had a guy with a shotgun plant his kids at the base of a tree and tell us to get the hell out of his tree or he would shoot us out........We did end up taking the tree out, but not that day:cheers:

That moron should have had his nuts cut off for endangering those children. Scum like that ought not be allowed to breed.:angry:
How about nut relatives? Does this count? My oh-so-bananas bro is now camped out in my back yard, but, he is freekkin' nuts (in a harmless to other people sort of way), a compulsive/obsessive piece of work who I have never gotten along with, now on my door step, and quite frankly I'd like to OD the poor fukk, actually walked up to me with chainsaw screamin' away to move stuff, GAH@@@@@@!!!! Now pssed and not here, gettin into dumb carp and I get the phone call from buds in the bay 'Hey is this really yer bro?' Unfortunately its true, and tho I love him as a bro, he is such a piece of work I just want him to go away........... I thought he 2would have got the hint 10 years ago, but apparently not. What to do, what to do...............
Sit and wait, stick him in his tent, let him sober up, help him pack his bags, and gently shove him outta the door, wtf else can ya do? :censored:

:givebeer: :jester: :givebeer: :censored:

:popcorn: :popcorn:
We have a wonderful little tool called a tree death certifacate in this city......get the county to condemn the tree and its gone no matter who owns it..... The bonehead with the gun and kids spent a few days in jail, but the charges against him where dropped....the county dilivered the death certificate and we took the tree out.
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We have a wonderful little tool called a tree death certifacate in this city......get the county to condemn the tree and its gone no matter who owns it..... The bonehead with the gun and kids spent a few days in jail, but the charges against him where dropped....the county dilivered the death certificate and we took the tree out.

Isn't it sick you have to go to such lengths just to get a friggin' tree cut down?:rolleyes:
I had a job some years back the lovely lady that lived there
had a swimming pool with a high fence.. Just as soon as I would get
to the job and climb, start cutting out she would come with nothin on
and I would look and look, and I was wondering wtf until one day she
looks up my way and smiles and that is when I knew, she knew that
I could see her! I get done man that job took a long time she comes
to the door in a towel with a check and asked if I liked what I saw!
I said, why yes mam, she asked if I wanted to come in for tea and I
said I have to go but maybe next time, that was a tuff walk to my truck.
I at the time was not married but she had at least a live in boyfriend
and figured she was married and did not want to create a problem
but she was a hottie and man it was tuff.
yup tea sounds mighty fine after all that work and sweat;) I think I would have not been in the mood for tea unless it included a dip in the pool.
We were doing a crane job on a local lake, removing our biggest to date white pine(huge). With no where to put down the wood but next door the nieghbor relented and at the end there was a large pile of placed weight on his septic field. He was OK but his wife came home after we left and flipped out, mean while it rains overnight and our log loader was not going in until he was sure he could make it out with all that weight. I get calls from them the customer and who knows who else at 7 am saying "you gotta get down here now and get the wood off of there", still raining hard... I show up at 9 on a Saterday and they all meet me and start laying into me. I simply said that I wouldn't get paid until the wood was removed so it was too late for complaints.

That guy started really getting upset about his septic system,
I just looked him in the eye and patted him on the back and said, "We are going to go into your house and flush his toilet 150 times before we make any calls to my insurance company"

My brother had to walk away he was laughing so hard.:buttkick:
He was shocked! Just this dumb look on his face because I said it so calmly, there was no question in his mind that I was serious and prepared to do it right then and there.

And as it turns out the next time I went into my insurance office, the ass did call, "Just in case in the future there were any problems."
I had a guy 2 weeks ago tell my guys to go ahead and grind out his underground phone cable that they had pointed out to him. He was standing there watching them grind the stump, which I had warned him to stay back from, and my guys noticed the cable and told him this is as far as we can go (already 6" under the ground). He said not to worry, go ahead and grind it out then had the nerve to ask one of my hands if they thought my insurance would cover it. Pissed me off but I did get the satisfaction of dropping a top of a tree that he insisted on me "topping" about 30' from him and made him jump clean out of his skin. After that, I had no problems with him loitering in my work area. :hmm3grin2orange:
Tree Division - There will always be whacked out homeowners out there..

What was the guy thinking...but good to here you got a good laugh dropping the top.
I have a client that wont stop talking, and I mean wont.

She has NO concept of letting someone go, I have been on my motorcycle, full helmet on, engine running, in gear and she is standing infront of me still talking (after already managing to make a quote last 2 hours.)

I only work for her on chargeup now, and I think in the last job her constant yabber cost her over $300 of labour in the bill!
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I have told people that insisted on being in the work area that I'm just not that good at this so you might get far away. they do
Confessions of a Former Nut Job

Reading the posts on this site have changed this former nut job into a cautious, wary customer... who shares the knowledge y'all have shared with as many people as i can, to help other potential nut jobs find their way into recovery...

Perhaps i should start a 12-Step Group... "Hello, my name is Trinity, and i am a fomer nut job around Arborists...":)

anyway, y'all talking about your jobs, your concerns, the difficulties of dealing with customers-- anyway, y'all have converted me... thanks, folks!!!
Always good to hear from you Trinity.

You know your our favorite nut job! :D

sigh... you make me blush...

but to not hi-jack this thread, the information y'all have shared (and i absorbed vicariously) has been invaluable... i appreciate all of you... y'all primarily write to your own kind, and have been generous enough to let this simple woman into the fold to learn...
I have a client that wont stop talking, and I mean wont.

She has NO concept of letting someone go, I have been on my motorcycle, full helmet on, engine running, in gear and she is standing infront of me still talking (after already managing to make a quote last 2 hours.)

I only work for her on chargeup now, and I think in the last job her constant yabber cost her over $300 of labour in the bill!

Probably cheaper than a shrink...:popcorn: