Wow, what a day!!
Think we found a new rig for mamma, and stopped by to talk with the Pastor about these folks.
Found out that late last night, after I had left, another acquaintance of Doug dropped off a cord to them folks last night!!
Also found out some more about this family, some of this will make your blood boil, so I'll save that for the end. It'll make you wanna drive out here and choke a fool.
Anyway, the dad's cancer is worse than I thought. He had a tumor removed from his bladder and colon earlier this year. Well, the cancer is back there, and that's why they want to start him on chemo -- he doesn't want to -- cause chemo is poison, but he's desperate at this point.
So, the daughter isn't 16 like I thought!! LOL The little thing is 27, and was born with a heart problem and some learning and speech difficulties.
Now I feel even worse today.

When I had finished walking the property, and came back to the house -- that little gal was carrying wood onto the porch and stacking it. I had no idea she had heart problems, and today she had to go to the doctor to have a monitor attached because she wasn't feeling right.
Talk about one thing after the other with these folks!! :msp_sad:
So, I stopped by the loggers place and he wasn't there, so I'll have to try back.
I'm meeting Roma in the morning so we can take up that wood he's donating, I'll be at my Brother-in-Laws first thing in the morning, as he also donated half a cord!!
I'm going to buy the guy some stuff called Miracle Mineral Supplement. It's supposed to oxygenate the body and drive out all the nasties. I hope it helps him in some way!! My brother sent me a video on it from YouTube, and it's pretty dern neat as far as I can tell.
One thing about Western Medicine, we excel at triage, but blow at medicine and nutrition.
I also want to go Chaga hunting, and give him some for tea. . . It's supposed to be anti-tumor and a potent antioxidant.
Now for the blood boil part.
Doug told me that a few weeks ago, they were down to just a little wood on the porch, and the ******* neighbor walked down and stole it when it was just the daughter home. She couldn't do anything to stop him, WHAT A ####!!
I swear if he puts one finger on this wood, he's getting a midnight-backwoods-Kentucky justice- ass whoopin!! Then MAYBE, I'll call the Sheriff.
I guess he's a 20-something turd/barfly, with a live in girlfriend, and is obviously more worthless than tits on a boar hog! Who does that, I mean really??

Anyway, thank you all that have sent in donations so far, it's very heart warming.
It will be know to this family where the donations are from, as Maggie (the mom) doesn't think much of humanity after the neighbor incident.