Of what good use is a BCMA

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xtreme, bcma is merely a cert that covers consulting. There is a market for it where ca is recognized and respected. Take the sample test and you will know. http://www.isa-arbor.com/certification/boardCertified.aspx

Municipal and utility need and have their own separate programs. It's pointless for you to run wild with this cert thing, reading way more into it than there is or can ever be. Read the archived threads on this and you will get more perspective.
Guy, what did the RCA cert from ASCA lack that ISA had to come up with another similar cert?
Or is it just a power/political thing that ISA wanted to have that type of cert too?

I'm looking 3-4 years down the road and am wondering which way to go, BCMA or RCA.
What's your take on the differences?
where can I get an Extreme de-coder ring?? :dizzy:
OTG when ya find em get me one tooo willya?

Mike the RCA costs a bundle, and you pay abuckaday dues to keep it, plus the ceu's. the rca report review makes sure you can write clean copy but tests little on arb skills. I wrote asca to find out where my due$ goes, since it's time to re-up i want to know whether to stay on one more year. Still wiating to hear back.

With the bcma you do not have to be an isa member; this gives it a bit more validity imo. there is also an american forensic examiners society; you can spend 3 days in a hotel, pass a test, pay a pile to get their cert, then pay a pile to stay a member. imo that reeks of a cash grab, and despite all the great members in asca, that org has that whiff to me right now.

so yeah i think bcma tests more and is a more valid cert than rca. maybe someone else has a different opinion.
treeseer said:
I disagree with that too. That would be a nutty thing to say. The guy who is getting a forestry degree is pushing 60 and has no goal of getting a forestry job; that's why it's nuts for him imnsvho. The same guy let his cert lapse for lack of ceu's, but still sold himself as cert. I had to report his dumb butt. So there's a little vestigial attitude there I admit.

I think college booklearning is very useful. I've done a lot of it, and I'm not through with it either. But it's only half the puzzle; you gotta balance that with field learning. Right?

Gol dang it! I just wasted 20 minutes writing a too long contribution to this thread that dissappeared somehow; the site disconnected me when I tried to post it and it vaporized. Oh well, I stick around here long enough, and I'll probably let everyone know about my experiences eventually. Yea, it certainly is worthwhile to combine academic, certification, and field experience. I'm swamped with work at the moment doing a combo of consulting and climbing.
Doctor Dave said:
I'm swamped with work at the moment doing a combo of consulting and climbing.

Now that's the balance I'm after, but no swamps here just dust and drought.

Psssst, my little invention is down the engineers shop being "built" ....

..... I'm looking for allies in PHC TLC to privately display, I'll have to put you on my buddy list, cheers.
xtremetrees said:
Durn I scored 43%
Hey man that's a start. Maybe the loquacious Dr. Dave will tell you in 50 words or less that it takes a long time to get to where you are swamped with quality work. hang in there; focus on what is in front of you, it'll come.

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