OH Sandy (storm chasers update)

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storm work

I don't chase storm work. We are slammed as it is. I will do storm work if it is local and of course take care of my clients. It's all about getting paid. Most of my clients pay what I bill them, for the rest If they don't sign my proposal I move on. Their tree isn't on my house. I do sub out the log truck to some large nation wide companies in our area, but I know I will not get paid for 60 days. I chock that up to building relationships.
When cape cod was pin pointed for a direct hit last week my phone was ringing off the hook for pre storm removals. Since landfall was shifted to PA. I haven't got one call. As I write this there is no wind outside and only a slight drizzle. WTF?
To those of you who end up doing storm work be safe and watch out for downed wires, electricity is a deadly #####.
Please listen to you doctor and not Murph. Good luck.

NO NO... don't listen to either... do YOUR OWN WORK... doesn't take long with the internet these days.. Doctors are brainwashed by the "psuedo-science" of modern medicine.. study the history and follow the $$$... they are trained and licensed by a system whose singular motive is "profit"... research bought and paid for by big pharma etc... I did my work in this area many years ago and understand reasonably well how the system works and the history that got us here... science and medicine work within paradigms.. one day the average Joe will look back at the way medicine is practiced today, the same we look at blood letting, electro-shock, and mercury treatments...
I met the ******** last year near Wmsbg. he was poaching every crew he could drive up to, him and his son. I remember his business card had only his first name on it....(John?)
thats REAL professional. ;)
I have a casualty , my beautiful deadora in front of my house is tilted about 2 ft , I am thinking I am shoot a rope up In it and tie it off to another tree over the peek of my house ! If I lose that tree I will be sick about it , and besides I have nursed that tree through 2 ice storms and now Sandy is gonna take er out
For sure trees without leaves are gonna uproot. It's already rained for a week straight here. But that doesn't even matter as half the trees here still have leaves.
I heard the fishing in bel mar NJ is pretty kick ass this morning
I hear MDS's obama is going to take credit for the storm, saying he created jobs for out of work tree men. @ Murph the problem is not just the wind and rain its how long it could last... up to 36 hours of high winds and rain, then I say with out a doubt trees can be uprooted leaves or not... plus around here not all the leaves have fallen or even turned yet.
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Will be coming soon as we button up here.....Be safe. We've chased a many and this one looks nasty.Good luck to those riding it out.