Otto, you are right most of the information given here has been at best mindless guesses.
Please do some homework before you make us read anymore long, misinformed opinions on engine performance and wear. My information is not all my own. I listen to those who really do know the answers to the questions asked and merely pass that info on. If you consult the Technicians Manual Changes in Gasoline III, turn to page 4, look at paragraph 2 it says:
"The actual loss of power and damage to an automobile engine, due to knocking, is generally not significant unless intensity becomes severe. Heavy and prolonged knocking, however, may cause damage to an engine."
Advisory Board Members include Thomas Bridge the Chairperson of Engineering Technology at Western Illinois Univ., Bruce Perreault Automotive Technology Instructor, ect. ect. ect.
Since you now have revealed to us the extreme extent of damage that pinging can do to an engine, I can confidently write the Advisory board and Technical Committe of this worthless publication telling them Harley says your wrong.
Or you can call 1-800-378-9974 and for $2.50 get your copy and save us the trouble (I'll throw in the first buck). Now granted this a 5-year old publication...Maybe things have changed.