Charity Cut III update, The county road department is clearing trees from along side a road south of Ozark. I met with the one in charge of it this afternoon. They are going to cut everything 8-10 ft long down to 3 inches in diameter. Most is in the 12-18 inch diameter range with a few as big as 3 ft. Somewhere between 30 and 50 trees. I didn't count them but there is a lot. They will be taking the logs to the recycling center in Ozark for us. That's where we will be working at. We will be processing the wood and moving it to another location and drop it off. People, splitters, and truck/trailers are needed. Hedgerow, Oliver1655, johntaliaferro, and I, all have splitters. Should be plenty. I think Ed can bring 3 trailers and I can bring one, too. People are needed to cut it, move it to the splitters and load trucks/trailers and moved to the other site about 5 miles away and dumped. That's the plan, anyway, and subject to change. Its a very easy location and where we will take it to is easy too. It just needs to be done in one day.
Looks like a busy, but fun day. Can't wait to see everybody there. Pm me and I'll give the address to the recycling center or just Google it.
Thanks for the help everyone.