Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX GTG (Next GTG 08/27/2016 ) Fort Scott, KS

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Been there before ive been out below 0 with lots of snow on the ground.

I waded through a bunch of snow to cut a fir in Idaho. Found a good one, and was (very stupidly) standing about chest deep in the snow when I cut it down. Bucked it up, and took it home.

Went back in the spring/summer and that stump was cut at about 8 foot. Seems I was standing on quite a bit of snow too. It was REALLY strange, and I am sure it caused alot of pondering. "why did that dude take a ladder in the woods to cut down a tree?"

Or he was a really big dude. (Loggin22 size)

i waded through a bunch of snow to cut a fir in idaho. Found a good one, and was (very stupidly) standing about chest deep in the snow when i cut it down. Bucked it up, and took it home.

Went back in the spring/summer and that stump was cut at about 8 foot. Seems i was standing on quite a bit of snow too. It was really strange, and i am sure it caused alot of pondering. "why did that dude take a ladder in the woods to cut down a tree?"

or he was a really big dude. (loggin22 size)


I bet they probably thought Goliath or Paul Bunyan cut it down.:snowman::act-up::act-up:

What probably really happened was, a hapless chap and his mate came by and found it exclaiming: "what a find! Look, a half cord of wood, beside the road, easy to take. Why didn't that Idiot cut it at the ground? What an idiot....."

and they had themselves some easy pickins.
On a more appropriate note, I got the sleeper 757 back today. Joined its rank among the other saws. Has been joined by a couple more stihls. It wasn't happy with that, kind of like baby sitting....
that should be no problem. bout a 10 minute fix if its like mine.

I'm sure it probably is a pretty easy fix, but I also figure that there's one little simple step that I'm unaware of that makes it all go together smoothly. I just haven't held my lip right while standing on one leg, whistling Dixie yet to make it work,... LOL
I'm sure it probably is a pretty easy fix, but I also figure that there's one little simple step that I'm unaware of that makes it all go together smoothly. I just haven't held my lip right while standing on one leg, whistling Dixie yet to make it work,... LOL

This is a response i got from Grande Dog when i had a starter question.

With the rope connected to the pulley but, all the way out, wind the pulley till the spring is tight. Then back it off 1 revolution. Now let the rope wind back on to the pulley. This is the maximum that you can tighten it. When the rope is pulled all the out , it should be the knot in the end that stops the pull, not the spring. If the spring you have doesn't retract enough rope, it was either broken and repaired (and now the spring isn't long enough), or it has the wrong spring in it.

it worked for me. good luck
I took some saws out yesterday evening. We had a good time, and got a pickup full of wood.

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/supercabs78/5379094997/" title="038, MS460, P62 by supercabs78, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5169/5379094997_25255b0bbb.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="038, MS460, P62" /></a>

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/supercabs78/5379695752/" title="P62 004 by supercabs78, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5208/5379695752_1ca9589042.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="P62 004" /></a>

Don't laugh at this saw, eight pin rim. 13" bar after deducting mount and spikes in 13" wood, it is the only bar I have that fits the P62. I'll get a long bar before long.

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/supercabs78/5379092353/" title="P62 003 by supercabs78, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5048/5379092353_f5865972a6.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="P62 003" /></a>
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Too late. Being a glutton for punishment I read it start to finish. Does that make me an honorary red neck?

That depends. If you have more teeth than fingers, well, I spose you could be an apprentice. Or get some of these to wear at the GTGs. :cyclops::vampire:

The Original Billy-Bob Teeth Site - faketeeth.com

As an added prop, you can practice speaking with your tongue constantly touching your lower lip. It's called "Linguo-labial fusion." Pretty rarefied, connoisseur level level stuff, that.

Look forward to seeing you in March! :cyclops::hmm3grin2orange:
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That depends. If you have more teeth than fingers, well, I spose you could be an apprentice. Or get some of these to wear at the GTGs. :cyclops::vampire:

The Original Billy-Bob Teeth Site - faketeeth.com

As an added prop, you can practice speaking with your tongue constantly touching your lower lip. It's called "Linguo-labial fusion." Pretty rarefied, connoisseur level level stuff, that.

Look forward to seeing you in March! :cyclops::hmm3grin2orange:

Too'- if you're able to continue a conversation while spitting tobacco juice AND/OR inhaling/exhaling on cigarette/pipe/stogie/______,........ AND never miss a beat, you might be good to go!
Too'- if you're able to continue a conversation while spitting tobacco juice AND/OR inhaling/exhaling on cigarette/pipe/stogie/______,........ AND never miss a beat, you might be good to go!

All the while keeping yer tongue touching yer lower lip.

It would help if you are married to a close relative: Cousins are OK; a sister would be best. A brother, well, yer on yer own with that one.:silly:
Aw, now yer just rubbin' it in.........Mr. Lucky Bastid.......:hmm3grin2orange:

That P 62 looks real nice in the wood doh......

Instead of giving away light modern 50cc saws at GTG's I would like to find a really old good running heavy ass saw. I find them old, and heavy but never running good. Something like a 051 or maybe a big old Homelite 1050.

Just in case I didn't say it in the last paragraph Heavy Ass Saw. I'll keep looking I got a couple months left.