Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX GTG (Next GTG 08/27/2016 ) Fort Scott, KS

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This thread needs a few new posts. What is everybody doing, working? LOL. Thats the stuff right there. Gonna work all weekend. Trying to catch up. Been off too long.

That will make a old man out of ya working through the weekends glad to hear you are back at it though
Everybody ready for the storm coming in??
Stocked up the wood rack with hedge this afternoon...

Sounds like this one might be pretty nasty.
Spent the day cutting and splitting up some old hedge and loading the wood racks at my house and the MIL's so I am ready for the crappy weather coming in. I am getting little worried. I am about out of wood to burn but it is to wet to get in and out of the hedge row I am working on.
Definitely gonna be muddy after this storm leaves... Hope you don't have to kick that propane furnace on... I hate burning $$$$$.
scuse me for asking but i'm not familiar with this hedge wood. are you talking about bois d'arc or osage orange?

Yep, Osage Orange... commonly called hedge wood here in SWMO.
I've got an endless supply within 1/2 mile of my home. Burns amazing, and is plentiful... couldn't ask for a better firewood.
seem to recall it was planted in the hedgerows as a wind break back in the '30s to help resist wind erosion. so what happens when it's all gone and the wind blows?

You are correct they were planted as a windbreak. The hedgerow I am working on has been untouched tor a long time so it has overgrown and there were a lot of blowdowns. He has a strip of land about 30 feet wide the length of the hedgerow that he can't farm. We are nly taking out the larger trees that are on his side of the fence. We are leaving the newer growth and everything that is leaning over the neighbors field so the windbreak is still there.
warjohn has it right... Around here, the hedge rows are so overgrown that many multiple trunks and have split and are laying on the ground. Selective cutting will perpetuate the trees and hedge rows that we have here now. You really have to be careful cutting... there are LOTS of barbed wire fences running into hedge trees around here.
You are correct they were planted as a windbreak. The hedgerow I am working on has been untouched tor a long time so it has overgrown and there were a lot of blowdowns. He has a strip of land about 30 feet wide the length of the hedgerow that he can't farm. We are nly taking out the larger trees that are on his side of the fence. We are leaving the newer growth and everything that is leaning over the neighbors field so the windbreak is still there.

cool. is that hedge hard to split or is it small enough to not need it? i'm thinking that wood was used for american indian bows, hence the name bois d'arc. i know its a real stout wood. we used to talk new kids into taking a bite out of the "apples"
I am as ready as i can get for this winterblast put a half cord of wood in the basement, and cleaned the stove pipe. It didn't really need it but the weather was good better to do it on a clean roof than a icy one. Got a freezer with meat and plenty of vegetables in the cabinet. Let it snow and blow.
The worst part of cutting in a hedgerow is that the tops grow together and the trees don't want to fall when you cut them. I quit cutting wood with my brother when we went to a hedgerow and he tried felling a tree and it would not go down. He jsut went to the next one. he finally gave up when he had 5 trees wedged and ready to fall but they would not go down. He just left them stanfing and went home. He said he would come back after the wind blew them down. I went and got some log chains and went back out and pulled on them until they came down. Tore up the rear end in my suburban doing it but it was dangerous to leave them standing especially since we did not own the property
Most of the hedge i cut will fit in my furnace. Its hard but nothing like red elm to split. Only use it in a wood stove, no fire place it pops like a package of fire crackers, bad throws sparks everywhere. Definately a all nite load for the stove.