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But all we really need is a butcher knife, FRESH beef!
I can cover that. I can bring a skillet, some corn meal and onions for some fresh liver. :msp_wink::msp_wink:

But all we really need is a butcher knife, FRESH beef!
How have you and big, been doing?
Ok here it is March 26th & 27th for our GTG.
Just post that you are interested.
I have looked forward to every GTG that I have been to, but this one I really look forward to the commute. It won’t be here at the house so we will be camping out with you all. I have got to get the garmen out and go get the latitude and longitude then I will send directions by PM.
The zip 74338 will get you within 15 miles or so.
We are doing his and hers portable bathrooms, a local company is bringing them.
There will be electric if anyone needs to run something.
I have a vice I'll bring like Dan's but the more the better; also bringing a 4x8 work bench if anyone has trouble with there saw.
It will be at the other place behind the hay barn. I should have the barn empty by March, we can stay in it if bad weather. We should be able to but a bunch of tents inside.
There will be a front end loader tractor on site, to move logs and pull out stuck Chevys
I decided to start a new thread we can use both. Maybe a new thread will draw in a few new members.
The old thread had four GTG in it lots of fun and good info in it.
The first load of wood is at the GTG site. Thanks Rvalue/Dan I can't hit you yet. If anyone can, rep him. Dan called unexspected and brought a nice load of GTG logs.
Who did I miss?
I'm only planning on being out there on Sat (with my father) so I'll be forgoing dinner w/a roughly 4 hour drive each way. Is there anything that I need to bring to contribute towards lunch? I'd LOVE to saty and camp, but the wife's not that big into saws and only being home from a 6 month TDY/Deployment at that time,... well I'd probably get murdered for camping out that soon w/o her and the kids,...
She might like the company there. The wives had a pretty good time the last one I attended. Mine has agreed to share me during the middle of my R and R from a year tour here.
I'm only planning on being out there on Sat (with my father) so I'll be forgoing dinner w/a roughly 4 hour drive each way. Is there anything that I need to bring to contribute towards lunch? I'd LOVE to saty and camp, but the wife's not that big into saws and only being home from a 6 month TDY/Deployment at that time,... well I'd probably get murdered for camping out that soon w/o her and the kids,...
Last time we all chiped in on the pizza, a few bucks each brings a bunch of pizza.
LOL, that's a hell of Wife! I'm trying to talk her into it, as she usually loves camping. We'll see if I can find a babysitter.
Wow, whole day with no posts. Everybody get stuck from the big melt?
Or just busy sucking up to the other half?
She is indeed!
Wow, whole day with no posts. Everybody get stuck from the big melt?
Or just busy sucking up to the other half?
Wow, whole day with no posts. Everybody get stuck from the big melt?
Or just busy sucking up to the other half?
Took the opportunity to turn a piece of oak into a "tornado proof" coffee table for the deck. Told my wife I'd make her a toadstool...
Picked up my 'short bus' today.
Took the opportunity to turn a piece of oak into a "tornado proof" coffee table for the deck. Told my wife I'd make her a toadstool...
I've been buisy, getting ready to go to the next job down in Florida. :msp_flapper:
What are U doing in Florida?
Him and Wiatt are playing with each others