Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX GTG (Next GTG 08/27/2016 ) Fort Scott, KS

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I quit hitting metal my husky has a built in detector:)

Well, you did get that right.

My metal detector is over 80% accurate.

My Stihl chainsaws....and Norwood....are 100% guarenteed to find any and all metal....and even the occasional insulator....ceramic.

Sure sounds funny when the bandsaw hits it.....and costs me about $35 each time.

Then the all too familiar "millers dance" and rant.
I doubt a metal detector would have found this metal. It was buried in when the tree was about 10 inches in diameter, and was 20 to 30 feet in the air. It was scarless to about 30 inches in diameter.

You have to be a good shot to get two in a row, 30 feet apart in the tree.

I'll bet someone has some pics of the trophy.
Arsawmechanic's Pics Link, Thanks.

Here is a few of them.

GTG thank you.

I would ike to thank Steve and Sherry and Rod for hosting the GTG and being such great host. Enjoyed seeing Everyone that could make it that I met at the last GTG and meeting a lot of new people. Enjoyed running so many different saws. There was such a variaty. There was about evry brand there. Older saws made up a large part of this. Steve a big thanks for loaning me a bar so we could run The Stihl 041Gear drive that I picked up on the way down Friday. It turned out better than I expected. Hope U Got some pictures. As I am not a photgragher. The big saws wre fun to run thanks Hal (Stihl 880) and Wyatt (Husky3120). Those are both power houses. Now I have to decide which one I don't need. Don't need either one. But we all know how that goes. The best part was watching Stumpy's boys. I think they had the most Fun. Stumpy's going to have to get a second job and third job just to keep them in saws.

Had a great time even though it was a bit damp.

Ok Here is my Pics around 170 of them.

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We all had a great time, thanks to all the members that made it.
Thanks for all the nice saws. I got to see and run some nice saws.
I don't have a pic of the John Deere Did anyone get a shot of that very nice saw?

I have a bunch of thank you's to do and will post as I remember.
PinnaclePete for the box of stuff.
I want to thanks Kenneth for the Bacon. :clap:
Member for the Donuts. :rock:
John T for the milling class and the saw
Dan for the chain and use of some equipment.
More when I'm not so tired.
All members that donnated saws or parts for the give away pile.

Now I'm going to rest a little. :hmm3grin2orange:
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I would like to give a big thank you to the host and his family for all the hard work they put into this.


guys I forgot to bring the camera to work with me so I won't get my pictures uploaded till tomorrow unless I can talk the wife into emailing them to me


It takes a real sleuth to root out a hidden treasure this deep in the log. :hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:

How come ARSawmechanic's pics don't show up? They say they are there????????
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I got home at 3 ran highway 59 north to joplin what a nice road ,had bluffs hanging over the road and river on the other side .Great time thanks ,except the part about getting beat out racing stumpy KID

Are you saying 14 hours down, and 4 hours home????? Is there a learning curve here???????
