Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX GTG (Next GTG 08/27/2016 ) Fort Scott, KS

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Your bar and chains shipped this morning.

On a related note, I'm going to buy stock in UPS soon. They've GOT to be making money on shipping stuff.


Small doubt about that.

As fuel prices go up, I think UPS goes up even more, figuring that fewer folks will be willing to drive to avoid the shipping charges. They are right, too!
Want me to pay you for the shipping?

Negative. I appreciate the offer. I'm just stunned at how out of hand shipping prices have become. Outrageous. I talked to a lady I occasionally work with today who recently bought propane for her house. She was glad she got it for under $4 a gallon. Things are just out of hand.

You betcha. Might lean it out some at the next cut. If you run a few tanks through it the ring will be seated and we can get a better idea where it likes to run. Opinions vary, but I like to run 'em a little rich for break in and I set yours just a smidge rich on that account.

cool! shes already pretty good, when it gets better after brake in thats just icing on the cake, it s light enough I hardly want to use the little echo :)
It's been a heck of a day here. You've all seen pics of my boys, Mason (Digger) and Max (Buster), allow me to share a story with you that still has me tied up in knots.

I was achy last night and didn't sleep well so I was looking forward to an afternoon nap once we were home from worship. I made my way to the bedroom and fell almost immediately asleep. I woke up around 4, plenty of time to get everything ready before evening services. My wife came in and said there had been "an incident" while I was asleep. Those words, an incident, did not bode well.

Max, age 8, decided to go on a bit of an adventure in the yard while Mason, 11, was busy cleaning his room. As usual, when one of the kids is in the yard our Great Pyrenees, Jo-Jo, watched over him. It's normal for our kids to play in the yard for hours on the swing, in the "club house", on the "rock mountain", or in the tree house. They have done so for years and know all the rules which include never leaving the yard. Period. For whatever reason, Max decided to ignore the rules today.

After some time Mason wanted to go out and play also. His mother almost made him stay and clean more but decided he had done enough and allowed him to go out. Once outside he was almost immediately summoned by Jo-Jo. The kids say he "has a look" on his face when something is wrong. Mason recognized the look and began to follow him. As Mason left the boundaries of the yard he knew he was breaking the rules but made the decision this was an exception that needed to be made. 50 yards from the house. 100 yards from the house. Mason was now questioning his decision about leaving the yard and worried about whether he should come back to the house and get one of us or see what Jo-Jo was worried about. He told me heard something at that point and decided to continue. He couldn't describe the sound but knew in his heart in meant he must press on.

Over 150 yards from the house Mason came upon the bank of one of the ponds on our property. About 15 feet from the bank, he saw Max up to his shoulders in the water, frantically trying to get out, screaming and crying. Because of the recent cold weather the pond had mostly frozen. When Jo-Jo initially went with Max they went to the pond. As Max entertained himself by looking for frogs or turtles Jo-Jo ventured out onto the ice. Max decided to join him and later told me he made the first several steps without a problem.

He said he will always remember the sound and the feeling of the ice breaking beneath him.

Mason, confronted with the entire situation, responded with brave calm and decisiveness. He tried walking out to Max but immediately realized the danger and stopped. With Max screaming and crying for help Mason talked to him to keep him calm and searched frantically for a way to help. In the nearby brush he saw an old wooden fence post still hanging on to a few pieces of barbed wire. He retrieved the post and tried to get it to Max but it wasn't long enough. Still keeping his wits, he held on to a piece of the barbed wire and threw the post to Max. Max was able to grab hold and Mason pulled the wire, pulling Max out of the water, across the ice and onto the bank. Max was starting to suffer the effects of the cold water and had to be helped by Mason back up to the house where he spent the next hour crying, getting a hot bath and then drying by the wood stove.

It's been quite a day.

I am humbled by the loving kindness of God and His providence in watching over this family. My stomach is still in knots. I have prayed and given thanks over and over again.

For a little reference, here is a picture of the pond afterward. The fence post on the old tire was the one Mason used. It's about 5 feet long. Most of the broken ice is from Max thrashing around.

View attachment 330338

View attachment 330339

God almighty. I can't imagine finding my kids in a situation like that, or worse as that easily could have been. I managed to break through a farm pond years ago, but nothing like that and there were adults within shouting range so I was just cold for a bit. My Great Grandmother used to say that God looks after fools and little children. The older I get, the more I realize that she was right. About a lot of things. I am glad to hear that Max is alright and hopefully learned his lesson. God bless children and their insatiable curiosity.
God almighty. I can't imagine finding my kids in a situation like that, or worse as that easily could have been. I managed to break through a farm pond years ago, but nothing like that and there were adults within shouting range so I was just cold for a bit. My Great Grandmother used to say that God looks after fools and little children. The older I get, the more I realize that she was right. About a lot of things. I am glad to hear that Max is alright and hopefully learned his lesson. God bless children and their insatiable curiosity.

In your post you started with "God Almighty."

Funny thing about that, we were discussing only the week before about how people say "Oh my God" or "Oh, Lord" or similar without thinking about the seriousness of calling on the name of the Lord or using His name without due respect. One of the things we said was how we shouldn't say God's name in vain, that it was to be used in times where we wanted his help or attention.

If ever there was a time I wanted His help or attention, that was it for sure. I told the boys that was an excellent time to call upon the Almighty.

It wasn't until my children became mobile that all of the various real dangerous, seemingly innocuous to adults, really sank in for me. I don't try to nanny them as the real world doesn't suffer the weak and pain is a heck of a learning tool, as long as it's not overwhelming. I know that I am usually a pretty poor example of a Christian but I don't take the Lord's name lightly.

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