Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX GTG (Next GTG 08/27/2016 ) Fort Scott, KS

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Holy Cow! Holy Cow! HOLY COW! Charity Cut 4 is going to be April 5th just south of Mansfield Mo. The land owner has been having a logging operation here since last September. He wasn't kidding when he said they have cut between 7000-10000 trees out of this place. And they haven't even made a dent in it yet.
So, here is the plan of action. The wood is easy to get to, drive right up to the vast majority. We are going to concentrate on just cutting, splitting and stacking right now. The idea is to get a MONSTER pile of wood, then about July we are going to pull an 18 wheeler in there and load it. Actually, we want to get enough processed to load several 18 wheelers. I'm going to take a couple of vacation days the Thursday and Friday before the 5th and camp there to get things ready and stay Saturday night too.
Charity Cut 5 will be on May 3rd. Same plan of action.
Right now trailers are not needed, nor UTV's.
Oliver1655, this will be a great place to use your log bucking trailer. We have use of the landowners Kubota tractor 4wheel drive with forks on the front to load logs with.
If you guy's are game, we'll make this a two day affair. There is a spot with electricity and water available, so hot coffee is not out of the question.
So, that's the general plan. What we are looking at is getting a jump start on next years wood supply.
The down side is, with the ground wet things are on the sloppy side, so its pretty much 4 wheel drive getting up to the wood, which is the last leg of driving back to the wood. The good side is 90% of the drive back to the wood is gravel road or on the level dirt road.
Just list here if you want to come and I'll pm directions. Looks like we will be at this place for a few years.
Again, thanks for all the help, guys.

Thinking of coming down. You say you are camping? Tent? Camper? How much room do you have to camp? I could bring a 18' dump trailer but the dump truck will have to stay at home. To many DOT rules if I cross the state line with the dump truck. Don't think they will believe this trip is recreational without the camper.

He said we could camp if we wanted to but he didn't specify whether tents or campers. I'll find out. I plan on using a tent myself. I'll be going down the 22 or 23 to scope things a little better. As far as where to camp, we'll just pick a spot and squat.
oh yeah!
Cookies, cakes, pies, a surprise? - Yeh!!! :bowdown: How do we do a double like? :clap::clap:

Homey, your living dangerous! Eating all the goodies, I don't think so!!! :mad:

The weekend of April 5th Charity Cut just keeps improving! :rock:
I'm guessing the usual...peanut butter cookies, brownies, chocolate cake, maybe some bread....wish I could come too, to meet all of you, but I've got a prior committment. :(
Your daughter would be welcome to come on down & do her recital for us. We would be a very appreciative audience. (On an other occasion of course.) Children grow up to fast to miss anything you don't absolutely have to.

Hope to meet you in the future.
Your daughter would be welcome to come on down & do her recital for us. We would be a very appreciative audience. (On an other occasion of course.) Children grow up to fast to miss anything you don't absolutely have to.

Hope to meet you in the future.
Thanks I hope you can make it to Iowa in April!