We just got hit by the edge of the Oklahoma ice storm. Lost one decent sized limb but nothing too bad. Nothing like the storm in 2000. We got out easy though. Lots and lots of trees and tree limbs down everywhere. Power was out last night, thank goodness for the generator we rented. Anyway, as I went to the hardware store this morning to tell them I'm keeping the generator for now (powers back on but not taking any chances), I noticed they were all smiling. Stihl chainsaws, oil, bar oil etc. all over the counters, selling like hotcakes. Everyone else seemed kinda bummed out but they seemed pretty happy. Actually I think its great. We are a small town and they provide us a great service. It's nice to see them benefit from something like this. The only thing is, they still have my saw. The manifold/carb assembly is fixed but they haven't tuned it up yet. I'm sure they'll be too busy to work on it today. Hopefully I'll get it back soon or the limb will have to stay in the yard. We'll see what happens. Maybe this is my excuse to buy a Stihl from them. Hmm, wouldn't want the limb to fall on the trampoline, dog, kids etc. Maybe I'll get to go shopping today. Take care, Greg