Quote Originally Posted by joe25DA View Post
"I dont run or work on anything for "sentimental reasons".
Well Joe...maybe it's just a Southern thing that you maybe don't understand about with you being in the North.
Sentimental belongings from family and relatives sometimes have special meanings to folks..like remembering when..whatever.
If someone brought me a broken dawg turd and it had "sentimental value" to the owner...I would do whatever I could to fix it..!!
EDIT: Please NO requests for fixing broken dawg turds...even if Southern..and it's sentimental to you.
Most I can't fix..and just spray paint gold and give in a 'gift box' to my latest "Golden Turd" award winner...
the recipients vary month to month...though it's generally the last person to screw (or try to) me over.
Latest winner was Save Edge files for NOT giving us a notice that they would NO longer sell to us direct.
And YES..Russ (owner) and Randy got an ass-chewing....Mikko has quit...this wouldn't have happened if Mikko was there..!!
(Mikko was a member here..and was like talking to a brother on the phone...exit reason....unknown...but I suspect...)