about them peckerheads.....its funny, we walk by each other without even a look in each others direction. and thats kinda hard to do in the morning when were loading up the trucks. i get there earlier than the other one just so i can have all my **** done (sharpening the saws, and going over the chipper, fueling the trucks/chipper, and all that fun stuff) just so i wont have to wait on him/them to use something. its kinda like high school dealing with the bs but, hey it dont bother me none when i roll out the shop with both of them on their own crew and me on our way to do the bigger work and them on the easy stuff. so it works out.
and i hear ya about leaving jobs because of idiots, good boss or not. my problem is that i am 4600 miles from my part of town and to me this is the only gig in town. but worry not about that stuff tman, i got plans. soon they'll all come together, you'll see. i'll even show ya.