Boot seated. I smear grease around the boot to ensure a good seal.
Had some trouble getting it running. It was flooding badly. I took the carb apart again to make sure everything was in order -- it was, but I found one more clogged jet, so it wasn't a waste of time.
Apparently the carb kit shifted the carb settings way off. I set the jets back to 1 turn on the H and 1 1/4 on the L, and got 'er started. Then it was just a matter of tuning it.
Burned up maybe half a tank of gas bucking firewood in the foggy, rainy, evening light. It's tuned pig rich for break-in, so it remains to be seen how much it has gained. It runs good, but then it always has.
Gypo asked if my 980 had a limited coil. I don't think so. Tonight I briefly ran it up to 13,200 RPM, and it was steady as a rock. After it breaks in, I'll run it up a little higher, but I'm pretty sure there is no limiter. The newer 81cc Efcos do have a 13,000 RPM limiter, but I'm not sure when that was introduced.