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Same carb, same air filter, same inlet boots, same muffler. It's basically the same saw except for the size of the bore.
Thanks for enlightening me, Kevin.the 980 has a 2mm longer stroke, is 1mm higher into the cylinder and is 1mm lower into the case when compared to the 970.
Thanks for enlightening me, Kevin.
Many of the parts on my 980 will interchange with CS62 parts, even though they don't have the same number. For example, the coils are the same except the 980's wire is an inch longer. Carbs have different numbers but will bolt on to either saw. Same filters, same inlet boot. There's a lot of standardization.
You snagged some good deals over the years & I hope you continue w/good luck.
Sorry for not following up on this thread.
The carb kit that I installed was the wrong one -- even though it was recommended by Walbro -- and made the Oly run inconsistently and generally too rich no matter how you tuned it. Also, I had accidentally activated the carb governor while cleaning the carb. That also made it run too rich. Those problems were written up in another thread.
Once the carb was fixed, the saw ran very, very well. It milled quite a bit of wood using a 36" bar, and power seemed comparable to 90cc saw.
The compression was pretty stout -- I never measured it, but I snapped the starter rope several times.It'll get upgraded to an elastostart this winter.
However, the Oly continued to suck fines into the intake. I installed a new flocked filter, and that helped a little, but not nearly enough. I experimented with a thicker, softer, closed cell foam rubber seal around the filter. Sometimes it worked, other times fines still leaked around or through the filter. Lots and lots of fines, not just a little. I experimented with oiling the filter, and that helped, but there was still the leakage around the filter seal.
To make a long story short, I never found a satisfactory solution to the air filter problem. I think it is a very poor design, totally unacceptable for a pro saw.
As a result of sucking so much sawdust, it's lost some compression and will probably get a new piston this winter.
In the future, I will try to use the Oly only for cutting firewood, not for milling, because milling generates more dust than the Efco air filter can deal with.