Cranes are used in tree removal because it's faster, safer, easier or any combination of the three.
Most of the time, the salesman thinks, "I'm not sending a climber up that tree, we'll bring in a crane."
A crane makes a technically hard tree, easy.
An unskilled climber can do more difficult trees, if he brings in a crane.
This is not to say I never use one. I've done a 100 or so jobs over the years, I just think the crane dumbs things down. Think about it, one of the challenges in tree work is finding a good TIP (or roping point). A crane supplies a TIP that goes where ever you need and then moves, AND can raise the load, AND set it down.
Forgive me if I'm disspelling the myth that crane work is hard, but I'm here to tell you any tree job is EASIER with a crane, than without one.
If somebody has more than a couple hundred Crane jobs in their carrier, I have to wonder why. I'm not talking about Rb, doing lumber removal in urban areas, I mean, guys who bring in a crane every time there's a challenge.
I guess I'm just calling crane guys a bunch of *******.