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Tony Snyder

Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 8, 2002
Reaction score
East Central Illinois (Marshall)
What sells the best around here right now comes in 6 packs, and it ain't 2 cycle oil.

Discomfort factor will be about 115 today, 95 humidity and the ground is scorched dry.

Reminds me, about this time last year an old guy come in with a Super XL, it was doing what it was designed to do (boil the gas when it gets over 90 outside),vapor locked real bad. I knew and liked the old guy. I told him I couldn't help his saw while it was this hot. I told him we would try to fire it up when it got below 80. I convinced him to leave it. I thought I was saving him from the heat. Went buy his place the next morning and they were baling hay (97 degrees). He is 80 something and still kicking. Made tuogher than me.

He came back about 6 weeks later, I hadn't tried his saw, he bought a new one, no more vapor lock.
Onery Illinois Poor Boy

Grew up in Illinois and those guys are pretty tough. The weather if central illinois is tough. Have you heard about asian carps in the llinois River?
We had it up to 90 here in MA today. Three hours later, the winds and rain comes and drops it down to 70 or so.