Opening a tree service business

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I am guilty of that when I was younger we accidentally sent a huge limb down on a mobile home. I didn’t have insurance so we had to take off. Back then I was operating under many different names but it was on the news. Luckily they didn’t have the technology to track me down.
Real class act. Would make me want you doing my work.
@sundance Yes, that would be net. That number includes my salary, however. The gap between 1M to 2M gross was the most difficult for us. The key to our growth has been subcontracting with the utility companies. We still do a lot of residential removals, but the line work has proven to be extremely consistent and equally profitable. We used to travel for storms but have found it not to be worth it in terms of opportunity costs.
@sundance Yes, that would be net. That number includes my salary, however. The gap between 1M to 2M gross was the most difficult for us. The key to our growth has been subcontracting with the utility companies. We still do a lot of residential removals, but the line work has proven to be extremely consistent and equally profitable. We used to travel for storms but have found it not to be worth it in terms of opportunity costs.
you net 372K off 2 million gross? Three guys? 40 hours a week, 10 months. 200K/month?

really ......
I love reading this thread,, I am not in the same league as Dannyboy, but since he has been here he has been a smart ass know nothing idiot looking to piss us off. I doubt he knows what EBITDA is. I live in a different tree world than some,, no residential,, but I like to read the posts from those that do, takes me back. Anyway, starting a tree biz with 10k sounds desperate.
It was a beautiful day! :cheers:
@sundance Yes, that would be net. That number includes my salary, however. The gap between 1M to 2M gross was the most difficult for us. The key to our growth has been subcontracting with the utility companies. We still do a lot of residential removals, but the line work has proven to be extremely consistent and equally profitable. We used to travel for storms but have found it not to be worth it in terms of opportunity costs.
At least you made over 50 post before being absolutely outed as a lying idiot troll. I remember back in the old days here most never made 20 before they were flushed out for the ******** they were.
I’m not the least bit desperate. I live a very comfortable life with my current profession. I have extra money and time and am considering putting that into a line of work I thoroughly enjoy.

I enjoy being in the tree or on the ground as limbs are dropping. On the saw eating the chips, dripping sweat in my eyes cutting up a monster log or stump. I’ve mostly done residential with few commercial but the only real difference was it’s in a parking lot vs next to a house. I’ve worked at garden centers for years and am knlowgevale on landscaping and trees/plants so I love the entire industry of “plants”. I’ve been in way more dangerous situations than cutting down a tree lol. Like I said I am a combat veteran.

Yes I know 10K isn’t going to get me much at first so sure I can save or another 10 maybe. Puts me at 20k. I also wanted info on what’s the best equipment to have starting a brand new company. Someone states a bucket truck. I agree. A bucket truck w dump.

I find it hard to believe every tree company started out with the following..

bucket: 30k (used avg reliable starter truck maybe)
Utility trailer for bucket truck: 10k
Mini ride on w grapple: 15-20k used
Stump grinder: 20k
Chip truck: 20-30k
That’s all rough estimates on used equip maybe say $150k. No way everyone out there went to a bank and took out a loan and started their business.
At least you made over 50 post before being absolutely outed as a lying idiot troll. I remember back in the old days here most never made 20 before they were flushed out for the ******** they were.
And to reply to my own post...I remember one guy that hung around here for a short time back about 2010 or 11 that was about the same caliber as Dannyboy. Seems like he called himself acetree or something or another like that. Anyway, the guy admitted he got off to posting BS in miscellaneous forums. Not just this one, many others. Apparently he would post lies and just set there and masturbate I suppose. I don't know what else he would have meant by "got off" posting erroneous crap in internet forums. Weird. And you have to wonder really how old some of those clowns are. Dantree might not be out of junior high.
- Should I attempt to go door to door and introduce myself as a neighbor and point out their tree work I see and give them a low price that theyd never get from a pro company?

Nothing I'd like less than if someone moved into my neighborhood and pointed out expenses to me. Maybe if it's a safety issue that might harm your neighbor and you really want to be neighborly, offer to do the work for free. But even then it puts the neighbor in the position of trusting you before you've even gotten to know each other.
Hey guys.. Should I attempt to go door to door and introduce myself as a neighbor and point out their tree work I see and give them a low price that theyd never get from a pro company?

What kind of experience do you have to give that advice? What are your credentials? Are you a certified arborist ? Why should they NOT go with a 'Pro' company?,,Like I said,,'Desperate',,just saying and joining in the conversation,,
It was a beautiful day!,,but hot!
OP, What would your reaction be if someone got hold of you and asked how they could get into close protection work, because they like shooting guns and strongarming other people and reckon they might make that their career in life? You know, 'cause it's not that hard, in fact, in a couple of years they're going to employ other guys that will do the hard yards while they run the business? Not getting at you mate, but there's a hell of a lot more to the job than just being able to climb a tree and hack it down. Get some education on trees (there is LOTS to learn!), at the very least work for a reputable company so you know what you're really in for. I know nothing about being in combat, but if i can compare the situation for you, in both jobs, what you don't know can kill you. I don't usually have much to say on here, but at present i have plenty of time to spare while ruefully contemplating my climbing future following a silly accident up a tree. I'm now waiting for an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon to repair cartilage damage to my knee. I guess it boils down to this- don't run before you can walk. Good luck, whatever you decide.
Anyone knocking on my door soliciting work would never work for me. That means you walked passed all the no soliciting and no trespassing signs. Make sure you smile for the cameras and you’ll probably be greeted with 2 angry German shepherds and a gun.