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I store my wood for two years outside, resting on landscape timbers, before splitting. Opossums sometimes burrow under my woodpile but it does no harm other than making the wood muddy. But after splitting, I load the wood onto the 2x4 log rack kits, 9' high, using a chain at the top to keep the 2x4s from splitting. The racks are under an overhang so they are open to air but protected from rainfall. Several years ago, I had a problem where opossums had dug so much under the racks that the whole rack fell over, requiring me to restack the whole thing. To keep this from happening again, I laid out chain link fence fabric on the ground under the log racks. The opossums sometimnes squeeze into the 3.5" high space below the firewood but are unable to dig through the chain link fence. So, this has worked well. Maybe chicken wire would also work, and it would be cheaper. But I wanted to be sure they could not tear through what I put down.