Joe the saw turns over and everything. I took the muffler off and the jug and piston look good from there, though one never knows until you get all the way in. The only problem I can see is on the recoil, the little fork is missing that kicks the dawgs out into the flywheel. The cases are perfect, it is just really dirty inside. Still haven't figured out where I got it! It also has a air filter cover, it has a chip or two out of the bottom flange, nothing big and it looks pretty good. I'll send some pics tomorrow, I took my camera to work and left the memory stick in my computer. My brilliance has no end! If you want the whole saw you can have it for $50 + whatever shipping is. You may want to really look at it because I believe it would run with the usual going over and I will get it there this time. I can be taught! I'll send you some pics tomorrow.