P26/28/20 Pioneer Crankcase

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Jun 22, 2005
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Does anyone have an old crankcase for Pioneer P26/28 or P20 kickin around that they want to part with? I have all the inners for this saw and would like to rebuild another one. Thanks.

Joe I may have one. I will look tomorrow and this time I will get it to you if I have it. Please remind me if you don't here from me, my memory is awful.
re crankcase.


Thanks for looking, have any luck finding it?

Well I managed to break my ankle yesterday so I'm laid up today. I'm going to play around tomorrow all I can and I will see. I have a helper coming about noon tomorrow and he is gonna help me the rest of the week in the evenings until we can get caught up. I will send him into the "Pioneer Den" when he gets there.
Joe I found a part saw! The recoil is not catching so I don't know if it is turning or not, I have to get some customer projects finished but I will see what is going on with it in the morning. My entire foot is swelled up and I can't do anymore today. When I get back from the doc, I will make sure it is not siezed or anything. I really don't remember where I got this! Pretty bad heh! It actually looked pretty good from what I saw of it, my helper was holding it up from the "Pioneer Den"! It's a P 26. I may need one or two things from it but I don't need the crankcase I know
Talk with you tomorrow
Sorry to hear about you foot i know it,s painful i did the same about two yrs back, still gives me nightmares, its funny i can treat someone else but it is a different story when it happens to you. Thanks for looking and finding, does it have a airbreather cover too?

I think it does Joe. I could see it from a distance, I'll get back up there tomorrow as I couldn't make it today. My ankle is about the size of a grapefruit. It looked like a decent saw, I'm still trying to figure out where I got it. I am in the process of remodeling on my little shop and I'm finding things I either forgot about or lost. Found a new cylinder assembly for a SXL! I was really happy about that! I have a friend with a P-40 that doesn't look like it has been used much at all. I am begging for it but I don't think he is gonna let it go.
Re: Crankcase.

Thanks again for the effort, pls take your time and don;t do anything on my account to cause more injury or pain our oath is " do no harm." so i would feel very bad if you further injured it trying to retrieve that saw, when you have time and are feeling better would be just fine, i'm not going anywhere and neither are the parts i have. Take a good look later and let me know a price. Take care.

Joe the saw turns over and everything. I took the muffler off and the jug and piston look good from there, though one never knows until you get all the way in. The only problem I can see is on the recoil, the little fork is missing that kicks the dawgs out into the flywheel. The cases are perfect, it is just really dirty inside. Still haven't figured out where I got it! It also has a air filter cover, it has a chip or two out of the bottom flange, nothing big and it looks pretty good. I'll send some pics tomorrow, I took my camera to work and left the memory stick in my computer. My brilliance has no end! If you want the whole saw you can have it for $50 + whatever shipping is. You may want to really look at it because I believe it would run with the usual going over and I will get it there this time. I can be taught! I'll send you some pics tomorrow.
Re: Crankcase.


Thanks but i cannot afford and don't really need the whole saw, all i want is the crankcase and airbreather cover if you want to part it out. Thanks again.

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Re: crankcase

Hey, thats cool, i'd likely do the same. I just finished rebuilding my P28, i just got the brake handle and clutch cover assembly from Larry Rottman i also got a jug, piston with rings and wrist pin off e-bay for it even though the one on the saw is good i just may swap it anyway. I tried to find the Pioneer colour paint but it's impossible so i painted it green, looks ok but i would prefer original color. You don't happen to have a P26 chain brake handle ( just the handle i have the metal band, pins and spring etc... ) in your Pioneer Den?

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