Then we can switch them around.
i was going to bring broccoli cornbread, but there was an uprising of dissent!!!
Then we can switch them around.
The people...or the name tags?
Might be a good idea. Lots of new faces showing up this year.
I'd like to try and make it up there. I'll have to see.
Hey there Spotted Owl!!!
It will be great to see you-all, I might be bringing the spousal unit as well.
I'm sure she will have fun. It's not just for the chainsaws it's good times and great food too!
On "Significant Others"...............They are welcome! Mine is looking forward to our GTG somewhat like a newly caged semi domestic animal. Wide eyed, very courious, but somewhat fearful. The "Oh My God! What have you gotten us into this time"? sort of attitude. The mental images of a bunch of people whose only commonality is that they have chainsaws, giant grins, and met through the internet is not completly comforting to her! On the other hand she loves beading, gardening, is a Red Hatter, and has put up with me for 44 plus years kinda scares me!
The daughter (Shannon ) on the other hand, just thinks this is GREAT! Another one of my misadventures she can needle me about for years to come!
Is this thing shaping up..........or what?............Bob & Liz
What I want to know is this: Will the Barbie Sticker Phantom make another appearance???
Making small note 'Bring Stickers':greenchainsaw:Let's hope not. Those things were hard to get off the saws. The Barbie Sticker Phantom might wind up getting superglued to the Pie Station if they try any pranks this year.
Making small note 'Bring Stickers':greenchainsaw:
For Bob
Hey, none of that now. I'm busy peeling the "Buy California Grown Wood Products" sticker off of my pickup. I figured that might not go over too well in Ory-gun.